39 thoughts on “Amber Heard Sexy Collection (14 Photos)

  1. King Neptune

    When I watched the film The Joneses years ago, I actually thought she was pretty hot. What a bad call that was!

  2. Spankmaster

    Why isn’t she out fucking Johnny Depp to make themselves feel better over their recent court case? Seriously, some people just don’t know how to forgive…

    1. Dieter

      She has learned that in the movie The Informers in which she took a dump on the bed, was taken up the arse and kicked Kim Basingers pussy

  3. Hetero sapiens

    Now that her character has been revealed, she has as much sex appeal as a turd (on a bed).

    1. Js993217@gmail.com

      To be honest, all kids growing up in these non conformist families are being given a very raw deal. Their only benefit is they usually have rich parents. Amber Heard is just filthy and honestly hasn’t looked great for a few years already.

  4. GHUA

    Johnny’s movie career is littered with far more turds than she could ever produce. I always thought upper-deckers were hilarious – taking a dump in someone’s bed is a whole other level of funny, imho.

    1. Hetero sapiens

      If you define straightness as getting your dick erect for Amber Heard, then yes, you may be only “straight” (cough cough) person out here. More like a scatologist than ‘straight’, but hey, to each his own.

      1. Spankmaster

        Yes, I’m straight, but the question that really needs to be asked here is this:

        Who here on these replies section isn’t a basement dweller that does extremely weird things to their mother’s used, unwashed underwear after giving her a severe dildoing?

        C’mon, let’s see the answer to that one…

        1. Doctor Dick

          The only straight thing about Spankmaster is he’s ‘straight’ on his knees and the cock’s ‘straight’ up his ass. Ass recommended by Roddy Alves aka Mrs Spankmaster!!

          1. Spankmaster

            Doc, Jessica Alves is your creation, which you only did so that you might want something human after all those male gorillas have finished raping your arse. Remember to slip and slide when being passed around on the gorilla cock carousel, as that way it will hurt more for you…

  5. FeminismRuinedHer

    She can’t afford designer clothes any more. She got caught shopping in a thrift store.

  6. Mr.Loopy

    To be fair, she’s a hot pepper. But hot peppers come with a price, ain’t that right Whorish Turd?

    A fiery sphincter…


  7. johny625

    I used to think she was really pretty, but her fucked up personality has ruined her. You have to be a cunt if you talk your way from pretty to ugly.


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