Alessandra Ambrosio Sexy (42 New Photos + Video)

Supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio opened the first store in Sao Paulo, Brazil of her bikini brand this afternoon during a promo event where she shared her contagious smile and some cleavage wearing a green Summer dress, 12/10/2019.


14 thoughts on “Alessandra Ambrosio Sexy (42 New Photos + Video)

  1. Tom Jones (educating thirsty simps about toxic-female nature)

    LOL, what are these pic posted here? Is this the fashion channel now?

  2. barry berry

    Alessandra still gets a lot of pictures taken of her and there are still A LOT of pictures on this sight and on the internet of Alessandra. Not quite as many on the internet as a few others but still quite a lot for a woman who’s 37-38. There are ALOT of pictures on Yahoo and the internet of Olivia Culpo. Ever notice that? A LOT. I wonder why? Ever wonder how all this works? Olivia is a “big” model but I don’t think she earns any more than probably 8-10 other models but no one {other than maybe Kendall Jenner who earns $21 million and whether you like it or not is the biggest model in the world} gets more “face time” than Olivia. Hell. There are 50-60 pictures of Olivia 3-4 times a week. Does she have a really good agent or something? Hell. Kaia Gerber {Cindy Crawford’s daughter} was pre-ordained as the “next big model” when she was 13 years old. Did we have any choice in the matter? Honestly. We were told “Kaia is the next big thing” and it started at 13. Kendall was big and Gigi was big and Bella Hadid wasn’t shit and then all of a sudden it was “Bella Hadid, Bella Hadid, Bella Hadid” remember? She was shoved down our throat big time. We were TOLD “Bella is a supermodel” {by WHOM??} for about a year and by golly at some point it happened whether we liked it or not. Hailey Bieber {Baldwin} was doing OK. She had like 7 million instagram followers and she was earning $1.5 million a year and then she marries Justin Bieber and now she has 25 million instagram followers and earns 10 million a year and every times she picks her nost there is a story about it…………..I’ve been watching all this for a few years. Believe it or not I look at all of this from a cultural, sociological, “America in 2019” perspective. Who decides “we’re going to push Bella Hadid but we aren’t going to push these other 7 girls who are just as beautiful?” Do you know? Why does Olivia Culpo have 800 pictures on the internet every week as compared to someone else who gets 15?……………….You’re a consumer. Have you noticed we are TOLD what to like? We are told who the super models are? {Why model A as compared to model B or C?} We are told who’s a good actor and who isn’t. We are told to “go see Star Wars this week-end” {the last two Star War movies the networks were all pushing Star Wars. NBC-CBS-ABC all signed off on Friday Night “now you can go see Star Wars this week-end.” Why are our networks telling us to go see a certain movie?? We’re all bought and paid for Ladies and Gentlemen. They know our tendencies. They know our weak spots. They what we “surf”on the internet. They know what our favorite color is. The joke is on US. {LOL}

    1. Serena Williams's Third Leg

      Decent post actually. Some of these “stars” and “models” are hideous beast who by rights should be working at a fast food chain in the wee hours.

    2. debit none

      I agree with you but this is a sign of weakness, not a sign of strength. There’s a big fear that the newest Star Wars might flop. It will still make A LOT of money but it might not be enough to cover the budgeting market. They are truly concerned about the ‘get woke, go broke’ phenomenon.

      As for the models, the days of the ‘super model’ are long over, there’s a handful of stragglers out there who earn nearly all the money in modeling today. Anyone familiar with the industry can name a dozen supermodels of the 90’s without breaking a sweat – whereas the only models I even know of today are the ones you mentioned above. Heck I can name more VS angels that Leo dated than I can name actual models today.

      tl;dr the industries out there are putting all their eggs in one basket, hoping for the best. It’s a sign of weakness, not strength.

      1. Truth

        Star Wars will flop for sure, no doubt about that, though I doubt Disney will realize what they are doing wrong so far. Then again it’s a known fact Disney makes much more money from the merchandise compared to the movie profit, so it doesn’t make that much of a difference for them money wise. At least we have Mandalorian as a decent Star Wars production.

        1. debit none

          Manalorian is pretty good. Trump hating morons like Jon Favareau should stick to writing television scripts and stay the hell away from Twitter and politics.

  3. Mortimer

    COAted with the common bodiLy_secretions of a man from another race and BURNing with thE infections so Received, Self_loAthing white women aRE_COMMon In thEir raciSm against their own race~._franKly there Is a LittLe,_but unulterAbLe, Liberal_COMMunIcations gap bEtween them and the portion of humanity with any Sense whatsoever~. They do not realize that normal people see them only as rotten spoiled meat.


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