Alejandra Guilmant See Through & Topless (3 Photos)

Here are a few Alejandra Guilmant’s nude additional photos from a photoshoot by Ian Passmore (2018). Let Mexican girls be busty!


23 thoughts on “Alejandra Guilmant See Through & Topless (3 Photos)

  1. Brazilian boy

    the only phrases that should never be written on a T-shirt !!!! women should be female and submissive to men,end!!!!!

  2. Enough Already

    Fuck this shit, I don’t want a masculine girl. If I wanted one of those I’d be gay as a tit on the Tundra. I’ve really had it with this SJW detritus.

  3. ballen

    let girl be masculine? no! I prefer pussy on girls, not dicks on girls

    although the clit is a dickhead that was never formed when it went female instead of male

  4. WTF

    SJW dumb bitch. She’s literally only worth her tits and pussy. Anyone buying into that shit shouldn’t even be allowed to reproduce. Fucking cunt.

  5. wawa

    Man. At this point is it really any stretch to say there’s a coordinated effort to social engineer/indoctrinate the crap out of men?

    This constant attack on masculinity and trying to feminize men and masculinize women is getting weird.

    Worst/annoying part is it won’t work. We’re literally not genetically hardwired to be like that. So this will ultimately fail as you can’t change biology, especially attempting to do it poorly by force-feeding men this crap. So really we just have to bend over and listen to this nonsense, get annoyed by it and constantly get attacked only for it to not work in the end……

  6. phil;

    Man the people who comment on this are beyond gay. Just fuck either other, and ill take a crack at this chick you giant cunts.

    1. Truth

      Calling out bullshit isn’t being “triggered” retard. Being triggered is sobbing on video like people did when Trump won or marching in the streets with pointless signs that won’t ever do anything. Making an internet comment and then moving on with your life isn’t being triggered.

  7. I miss Doug

    Nah when you have to jump online to prove your point that’s triggered. Who cares about what a damn shirt says when you can see her breasts through it? Triggered people that’s who. Think anyone cares about what you find in a woman or don’t? Nope :)


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