107 thoughts on “Maitland Ward Nude & Sexy (34 Photos)

  1. King Kongs Cock

    Love that hot pussy. Looks so so good and tasty. Just wanna bang that all day and all night. Red hot pussy. LOVE it

  2. Dr Dick

    At last a good look at that hot wet pussy. It looks fucking great. Just wanna lick that and cum all over her. Red hot babe

  3. Smoking

    All the haters must be a bunch of fucking cock sucking faggots. Who the fuck wouldn’t want to bang the living crap out of her. She is fucking hot.

    1. klawicki

      Don’t worry…as minimum wage keeps increasing, you too will soon be able to save enough money to pay someone to take your virginity.

  4. Banging Maitland

    Been following her for a while now. And her pussy looks just as good as I hoped. Well worth the wait. Must be an amazing fuck

    1. Smokin' Hot

      If she is half as good a fuck as she looks, she would be mind blowing. This lady is smoking.

  5. Thisguyritehere

    She’s the only reason I visit this site for the most part, just something about her so delicious! Haters gonna hate I know blah blah. But this is some eye candy for me.

  6. How much money Maitland is paying for post?

    no talent + forgotten + need to make money = give up your decency and privacy to show off, try to get famous again and make money with your body

    1. FUCK THE H8ER'S

      Go and suck dick elsewhere faggot. You sad cunt. Looking at someone you don’t like. And being a cunt about it.

    2. Thats the truth of it

      At least she don’t troll women she don’t like. You gotta be really sad and pathetic to do that.

  7. Robbo

    Despite all the hate for her she still looks better than most girls. And considering she’s 41 as well. I don’t know many 41 year olds who look like that in real life. Plus she looks like she would be outstanding in bed. I’d rather have a (very slightly) untoned curvy girl who was confident than some stick thin pipe cleaner who would snap if you lay on top of her and eats toilet paper as their only solid food

  8. Taj

    Butthole Shot!! Ok, Im officially done now. Will return if she gets anal straponed or ass fisted at everything butt.

      1. Ram Jam

        I’m not sure how big a cock she can take, but I’m sure i’d ram mine right up that smoking hot pussy,

      1. Dr Dick

        Maitland’s Popsie, isn’t that something she shoves up her arse. Oh yeah, that would be you, I can smell the shit.

  9. VillagePeople

    Hopefully, she will hire a younger dude with a big cock to make her sextape with and not use the old dude from the YMCA song.

    1. Number One

      Loving the new work. Nice to see a mature full figured woman showing everyone what sexy really is. This lady looks like a totally amazing fuck. Much better ride than the usual skinny girls on here. Maitland is No. 1

    1. Nice idea

      Room full of darkies !! I’m sure if you asked nicely they would let you have first innings. You might want to clench your arsehole real tight though, cause if she’s laying there naked and your ‘hole’ is the only one in sight. well it might not be the happiest day of your life. lol, that’s a video worth watching,

    1. Mr Hopeful

      Don’t go holding the lady back man. This is some of her best work. She might not even be peeking yet. Penetration on the horizon. I so fucking hope so

  10. Vacationalist

    Damn haven’t been here for a week and BAM now it’s full close-ups of her pussy.
    That escalated quickly..

    Can’t even go in vacation !

  11. Langsmurf

    MY GOD, pure perfection…
    It’s been a long time this site has posted something decent but damn Maitland!!
    You are one of the hottest women on here.
    I take my hat off for the queen :)

  12. vinacho

    …..FINALLY!!! it´s been quite a long time waiting to see this bitch fully naked; really pretty pussy, ass and tits, and maybe the most fuckable face attitude on internet right now

    1. Loving Maitland

      That is one fuckable face. Her face is just asking for jizz. She oozes sexy, slutty cock whore. Wonderful and so so sexy.

  13. Boing !!

    She is just so fucking hot. And she looks like a dirty, sexy slut who goes like a train. I bet she would be an amazing fuck.

  14. Joeswanson

    God damn… why couldn’t she have did this 10-15 years ago??? still nice. but would have been so much better back then.

  15. Boing !!

    Hottest girl on here. Always a sexy delight. And look super sexy today. Just love that wet pussy.

  16. Turlough

    So, she’s gone full-on porn star now? Ok, that’s pretty cool. Maybe she’ll start sucking cock on camera soon…

  17. klawicki

    At this point, why WOULDN’T she go full on hardcore porn? What does she have to lose? And don’t wait too long.

  18. Fap Master G

    I bet she reads these comments since she’s an attention whore. Maitland, it’s time for a girl/girl session.

    1. Boing

      Lets hope she reads these comments. Maitland FYI – Well hung guy, enthusiastic, very reasonable rates, 24 hour service.

      1. Voice of the people

        I’m with you here, this lady has the look of one who needs some hard, deep penetration.

  19. Just sayin

    She’s about as much of a redhead as her tits are real. Wondering what the plastic surgeon used to sew those areoles on with – and old fish hook and cat gut? At least she’s finally showing that cooter.

  20. Captain Slurp

    I ain’t proud. I just wanna lick that cunt. It looks so tasty. Love to get a right mouthful.

  21. E

    Shame she isn’t very smart. She probably could’ve parlayed this into a big paycheck for the porn she’s inevitably going to do. Instead she’s giving it all away for nothing and now if she did do a porn nobody’s going to pay her much

  22. jbgkASfa

    I remember a couple years back people were calling out that it wont be long before she starts popping her pussy, and my god were they right :D

  23. Spankmaster

    To paraphrase Frank Sinatra:

    And now, her end is near, and so I tongue out her beef curtains. You sad cunts, I’m not the queer. I’ll state my case of which I’m certain. I’ll fuck her until she’s full and my I say, not in a shy way. And more, much more than this, I’ll do her my way…

    Ok, so I won’t be making the top ten list with that song, but at least it came from the heart, even with it suffering from leprosy of the soul. And I still have more of a chance of doing a porn film with her than most of the sad fuckers on this thread. So stand back please, we have lift off…


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