25 thoughts on “Lisa Appleton Nip Slip (58 Photos)

  1. effxgyn

    Said it before. For a woman her age, she is completely bangable by middle aged guys, old coots, codgers or the elderly.

    For women you deliberately seek to see naked, no so much.

  2. peter dobson

    You see. Just like that other WHALE kim K. washed up on the beach. Just be animalfriendly and put her out of her misery.
    Just like the WHALES. Useless animals.

  3. Obviously

    Lol, is she doing a plank or a push-up? Exercise seems to be foreign to her. I know she’s into lifting, but lifting the fork to her mouth repeatedly doesn’t really count as exercise.

  4. s.smith

    Yeah,cos loads of women wear bikinis on british beaches in winter,notice she’s the only one there.What a sad,sad old slapper,lol


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