UK TV Presenters, Soap Stars and Actresses Leaks and Non Leaks both New and Old.......

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Not fucking her you cunt I'm on about Prince Andrew daughter the one with the big tits that I saw at Harry and Meahgan wedding

That's my point if you are going to ask at least get the name right so the people your asking can provide the correct content. I mean it doesn't take 2 secs just google a name and if others are going to spend their time searching on your behalf then I think it is least you can do.


Not fucking her you cunt I'm on about Prince Andrew daughter the one with the big tits that I saw at Harry and Meahgan wedding

How are we supposed to know what you saw?

Get her name right, fucknut. That'll help the right photos being posted

Or maybe... Look them up yourself. Trial and error typing will eventually lead to you spelling her name right... Or wight as you would type


Listen ill take no shit off anyone on the Internet and if you want a Sunday roasting I'm all for it

Oh I can't wait, in fact i'm super excited to receive it. Just let me check with the missus.
Seriously though, you're really eager to play this game, i have got a PS4 Pro myself.
Find a girl, chat to her, flatter her, shag her or a man if you're that way thus inclined.
It does help if your balls have dropped first though, good lad.
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