This whole uproar with Irish OF girls

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New Member
Yeah lol thr discords were real, some where great some not so great lol! But the main thing that happened (that I wasn't apart off) just saying was there was a huge mega file shared onto the the discord, and well let's just say it was meant to have been huge! With irish onlyfans content, and irish amature content, but everything is gone... with the uproar of all these girls and models discord and mega have been quick to erase everything!!


New Member
Yes. And I bailed the fuck out fast after clicking on a dodgy Mega file. It's one thing to see a few OnlyFans pics but pics of 16 year olds in changing rooms is fucking disgusting and those lads need the heads slapped off them
Fuck that man, yeah thats no good!! I do 100% agree with that.
Okay, so I thought I'd say my piece on this.

The way I see it, there's three main brackets you can put these leaks into -


Firstly, paedophilia is wrong. Anyone justifying it is a moron and I don't think any sane person should be questioning that. The underage girls and their families have every right to be upset and hurt and want justice over this, again, no question about it.

Non-OF girls:

These are girls who have had their pictures sent to third parties after they'd consensually sent it to their partners. Again, they have every right to be upset. There's an important distinction with this one though. Justice here (considering Irish law as it stands) should be taken with the girl and the person she sent it to, the law doesn't (currently) have any say or frankly care about what's going on. Whether that's right or wrong is irrelevant right now since that is the law. However, if we assume it changes, then sure, the justice system can get involved and the parties concerned can be dealt with however the law deems is appropriate.

OF girls:

So.. having said that, I take a very very different view to OF girls. Beyond the obvious distinctions with the above and OF girls regarding consent, there's a few important points to note -
- OF girls have, in effect, objectified their bodies. By selling pictures and videos of themselves, they have accepted the fact that these representations are a product. As they're behind a paywall, we can then classify them as copyrighted intellectual property. Fair enough. Like any business, they create a product, they sell the product, they make money from the product.

The issue I then have is these same girls claiming victim when said product is distributed. While it's correct that they have a right to protect their intellectual property, they don't have a right to bring the value of their bodies into the conversation. You, the person creating the product, has already put a price on the product (i.e your body), so once someone has bought it, they can do whatever they please with it. It would only become an issue if they started selling it without your permission. I suppose there is also a grey area around distributing it on sites like these regardless of payment or not, which is why a DMCA system is in place. If you don't like your pictures being widely distributed, you either request their removal or stop posting them.

Also, it's really annoying how ill-mannered and just barely literate some of these girls are (Niamh, I'm looking at you). You spout absolute nonsense daily for thousands to look up to about things you have absolutely no idea about, with no idea on how to spell half of the words you're using. Please, read a book, understand the implications of what you're saying, or if (more than likely) you can't, just do us all a favour and shut the fuck up.

Failing that, you could always try your hand at Turkish.

P.S - fair play for making enough money for the tits.


Active Member
Well said DreamersOnly, I’d echo your view.

The first two points should go without saying. They’re both disgusting and illegal. Unfortunately the second is widespread. How many have you opened up a WhatsApp alert and seen a load of pictures forwarded into a group chat of some girl getting her back doors smashed in by an ex? It’s been normalised to such an extent that I doubt anyone so much as bats an eyelid.

The actual OF girls I have least sympathy for. Especially the ones who pretend to be socialists but are in reality voluntary slaves to a capitalist system, commodifying their bodies and selling it off likes it’s nobody’s business. I think their real grievance is that they’re losing out on potential earnings. It’s quite cynical that they consider their plight in the same category as CP and so-called revenge porn when in fact they’re little more than alleged victims of copyright infringement (much less serious in my opinion).
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