L!zzy Mu$i

Still no post since she announced her battle against cancer?
There was a post where she said she really appreciated everyone's support, posted a video of her in the hospital getting chemo, not going to put up here . . . keeping my subscription to help in the fight . .cancer sucks . . below is her note

"Hi guys and girls ‍♀️, I would like to start off by saying I really appreciate the ones of you that have stuck with me even though I haven’t been posting. You guys are the real mvp’s !!! I promise when I’m well or atleast over the hump I’ll be right back at making the content you enjoy Cancer is very overwhelming news to wake up to one day .

Today marks DAY 1 of my chemo/ immunotherapy treatment and so far so good , I made a little video to let you know how I’m feeling"


Does anyone still have her O F Subsciption? I see she said something on there yesterday so just wondering if she posted more pictures also.
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