Billie Piper I Hate Suzie masturbation


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it's out there in the Web somewhere but I can't find it anywhere. Supposed to be the longest ever masturbation scene on mainstream TV, has anyone got it or a link to it at all?
I don’t have the link but I’ve seen it on Sky and can confirm that Billie masturbates, in various ways, for probably 85% of the episode
Worth watching then or is it done in some terrible comedy way?
Neither unfortunately I went to the effort of purchasing the series and as expected, the media has blown it out of proportion. Essentially, all the sex/masturbation scenes are implied you see a vibrator in her hand by the sink once otherwise its some poorly acted facial expressions. not so much as a nipple. If the possibility to get off would be the only reason for you to watch the series, you will be sorely disappointed.
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