16 thoughts on “Zendaya Flaunts Her Small Tits at the LA Premiere of “Spider-Man: No Way Home” (41 Photos)

    1. wawa

      I mean she’s already 5’10”. She was wearing 6 inch heels. Since they are dating he probably didn’t want her towering over him.

  1. 300 lbs ballerina

    Representation (n.) in film
    When 76% of the population is represented by 50% or less of the main cast

    Diversity (n.)
    The total annihilation of all whites, cis-normative, cis-gendered and culturally conservative

    1. wawa

      I’ve always said they don’t want equal representation. They want to make up all of it. A few years ago Hollywood’s demographic more or less perfectly matched the demographic makeup of the country.

      “You have no culture” they say, as they systemically try taking over and remaking everything we have rofl.

      People aren’t racist enough in this country imho.

      1. John Henry

        White people in America don’t have a culture, dipshit, they just steal from everyone else’s culture and try to claim that they originated it. Go back to letting your daddy fuck you in the ass every night and let the adults talk.

    2. John Henry

      You’ve never been off the farm where you fuck the livestock and been in a big city, have you? Guess what, little white boy, you’re the minority there.


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