Women Hold Topless Protest For Equal Rights (64 Photos) [Updated]

Topless participants demonstrate for equal gender rights at a demonstration held on bicycles in Berlin, 07/10/2021.

Protesters rode bicycles in solidarity with French citizen Gabrielle Lebreton, who was told to cover up by police while sunbathing topless in Berlin’s park, arguing that there is a double standard when it comes to the difference between the acceptance of men’s versus women’s right to be topless in public.

23 thoughts on “Women Hold Topless Protest For Equal Rights (64 Photos) [Updated]

  1. Jack

    Germany, UK, france, USA, sweden… It’s always countries like that. Usually white, overprivileged, middle-upper class women who are thirsty for attention. It never happens where women are actually oppressed, like in africa or the middle east. Stupid shit like that (and by stupid shit I mean exhibitionism and attention whoring masquerading as activism for a “just cause”), always take place in countries where not only women are doing great, but they actually do better than men.

    And this is why these people deserve no respect. Not because they walk around with their tits out, but because they’re sanctimonious, pretentious douchebags.

    1. jimmy

      I didn’t realize this was in Germany, where they ironically require an army of white male police officers to protect them from another mass-sexual assault. They aren’t foolish enough to try this in a no-go zone, I have to give credit where credit is due.

  2. hgtbf

    2 things

    1. i agree with their message. let women walk around naked and not care that i take pictures of them when they are hot

    2. women protesters in germany are hotter than american protesters

  3. wawaw

    Stop sexism.. Coming from the most privileged, pandered, catered and protected group in the world.

    Funny how the “my body my choice” crowd are fine with forced vaccinations. Also funny how the “voter IDs are racist” clowns are fine with mandatory vaccination cards.

    If these smooth brained democrat libtards didn’t have double standards they’d have none at all. War against these fucks and wiping them out is the best course. At the end of they day it’ll be faggy soyboys that need safe spaces over words hurting their feelings vs dudes that do survival and weapon training for fun.

    1. Slanted Eyes

      STFU you stupid chink! You mentally disabled cuntservatives worshiped a disgustingly obese 5 x draft dodging coward. All you retards need to pull out all your guns and shoot yourselves in the head. Just be sure to blow your family’s noodles first. Especially you filthy, yellow, tiny, Coronavirus infested gooks!

  4. George

    They are totaly right, it’s not okay that I have to look at hidden nipples only because islamists say it was alah that said they have to hide it… That is stupid as fuck…
    Andbsole comments show that they are braindead since birth.

    1. jimmy

      The grand irony of post-modern feminism. They objectify their tits for attention/shock value while protesting against objectification of female bodies for attention and shock value

  5. Fat Kate Upton

    Why is this written in English?

    Better write it in some shitty-Islamic language.

    They’re the ones raping white girls.

  6. jimmy

    Where do these attention seeking women think they don’t have more than equal rights? They’re over-promoted and over-protected in the 1st world.
    Go protest in the 3rd world and you’ll be legitimate, and will probably get stoned to death

  7. Steve

    If you can nut to tits and make money off it, then its porn. Sorry ladies, men can roam he streets saying free the sack, we go to jail. Also, its a American thing, the whole world does not see it decent and america isnt the whole world.


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