24 thoughts on “Veronica Pome’e Nude (5 Photos)

  1. Willy

    She’s not curvy, she’s a fucking whale. I honestly can’t see how these woke cunts in advertising think that this sells the products.

    1. Real Sj

      There’s a lot of fat bitches in this world, far more than skinny beautiful ones. The Flabby Dollar is a big market, excuse the pun.

      1. Aj

        In your dreams. Even the flabby ones yearn to be like the slim ones. What youre referring to are outliers like the homos selling themselves as the majority.

  2. Name

    Those pants are fucking hideous. She actually isn’t shaped like a trash bag. The designer needs to be slapped in his/her dumbass fucking face.

  3. pooches

    Looks like a shipping container in a strap on. really appreciate she covered her nipples, I bet they’ll be disgusting too

  4. BigBallz

    I love this celebration of body diversity.

    All you haters are why this country needs an oversized Indian woman to be in charge.

    Vote Kamala, diversity and inclusion!

    1. Doctor Dick

      Speak that truth Davidson, this woke bullshit is rotting society from the inside out. Sorry fatcock I know she’s your woman


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