20 thoughts on “The Candy Man Throws a Belated Birthday Party Inside a Mansion in Gold Coast (82 Photos)

  1. American Douchebag

    So this person throws himself a party, only a dozen or so people show up and all they do is stand around and pose with each other for an hour? Where was my invite?

  2. Roid head

    What a flog, who is the douche with the MAGA hat and the pinhead wearing the oversized su glasses trying to look cool?

  3. Donald Trump is a flaming traitor and going to prison

    Chics are ugly and the dudes gay, mostly the faggot in the red maggot hat.

  4. wawa

    Dude literally has to pay hot chicks to come to his party. What’s worse is he has to pay retard admins on sites like this to post him as well. ROFL We all knew you just got 5 grand shitter.

  5. wawa

    No surprise the conservative dude in red hat is the only non-douche bag faggy soy infused dude there.

    Coincidence? I think not. Leftist men = FAGS.

      1. wawa

        It’s already too gay. Now because of us pandering and catering to 4% of the population we now have forced, compelled pronoun useage. In reality we need to exterminate the gays. Even if you take politics out of it at the end of the day they are just weird, cringe inducing homos with AIDS.

  6. J

    He fucks 3 chicks every night, at the same time. He’s not gay you idiots but definitely metro maybe bi but whatever I don’t give a fuck .. it’s his life and he’s living it well. Power to you Trav!!


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