27 thoughts on “Taylor Swift Shows Off Her Sexy Tits (2 Photos)

      1. Shazbot

        I realize you’re merely being an asshole, but you’re half right. Gaining 40ish pounds (since around 2015, when she was waif thin and weighed 90ish pounds) can make breasts easily go from an A cup to a C cup. This would all simply be common sense, if you didn’t have an agenda. Anywho, resume your virginity.

        1. Chester

          What a fucking prize you are. Such an asshole huh Shazbot? Embarrassing. You’re an embarrassment with your sycophantic comments. Pitiful.

  1. André

    Very rare Taylor Swift big pokies even she wear a bra in this picture (as we see her shoulder strap); so how more nicely her pokies could be if she dont wear a bra. I wish one day a paparazzi will capture more.

  2. Severin

    I want to go down on her.

    I’m glad that we can confirm that her tits aren’t nippleless. That Rolling Stone cover had me concerned.

    Her public life is so fucking irritating that sometimes I forget how beautiful she is. Of fucking course I want to put my mouth between her long legs.

      1. Chester

        Artist? You think she’s an “artist” like Picasso or Lennon+McCartney or Jagger+Richard or Monet or Joni Mitchell? You think she’s an “artist” and not a “pop star?’ BIG DIFFERENCE! You think she’s an artist like Leonardo Da Vinci? I don’t.

  3. A Swiftie

    Yes, artist. She has broken records set by the people you are labeling as artist from genres of music you enjoy from your era (I assume). You might not be the target audience anymore but that doesn’t make people who literally write multiple record breaking songs a year not an amazing artist. You don’t need to like her music to appreciate how impressive her career is.

  4. Raph

    For the record, Taylor Swift has NOT had a boob job. Her tits get bigger and smaller as she gains and loses weight, like all other women. They are always in perfect proportion to the rest of her body. Only an idiot would claim surgery is involved. I used to be one of those idiots.


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