Singer Taylor Swift looks stunning in the new mix of sexy social media, event and paparazzi photos.
Singer Taylor Swift looks stunning in the new mix of sexy social media, event and paparazzi photos.
She’s so gorgeous. I love her smile
I couldn’t agree more. She’s absolute goddess here on earth. I wouldn’t be worthy of wiping her ass (as thrilling as that would be for me).
I get what you mean. I think I would cower in her presence and beg her not hurt me. All the while, trying to contain my awe as if I were looking upon an actual angel visiting from heaven.
Loving our current Era of Taylor. Really hoping for some skin in her tour that starts in a month!!!
Agreed! The videos for ‘Midnights’ have all been so incredibly sexy. I can’t wait!
There is absolutely no way that her asshole doesn’t taste exactly like cotton candy.
It’s just not possible.
If I were in a Taco Bell bathroom and Taylor Swift poked her head out of a stall to announce that she had just experienced explosive diarrhea and there was no toilet paper available, I would respond by saying, “Miss Swift, it would be the greatest honor of my life if you would permit me to lick your asshole immaculately clean and gently dry your undercarriage with my t-shirt.”
Props to you, sir. Reading that gave me a rock-hard erection.
A gopher with hair bangs… Her music sucks. Pop garbage .
Clearly you’ve got a tin ear and a limp wrist.
I was gonna say the same thing. This clown clearly has no taste and is queer as a cat-fart.
She’s perfection. I would gladly suck another man’s cum out of her ass.
I’ll do you one better. I would gladly suck the cock of the last man that fucked her ass.
I wish you could fuck my ass
My all-time favorite photo of Taylor:
I’ve jerked off to this photo at least 1000 times.
Hello New Wallpaper !!!
Now, when the internet is down, my goddess will always be around.
When in need of a great time, google image search “Taylor Swift 2015 Billboard Awards”. She looked beyond fucktastic at that event. In the close-ups you can see that her lips were badly chapped that day and it somehow ADDS to her unbridled sex appeal. Just amazing.
If anything, you put it mildly. I nearly ripped my dick off furiously masturbating to pics of Taylor in that white number. Worth it.
If Taylor Swift said I could perform analingus on her for one minute, but it would cost me 4,000 dollars, I’d whip out my Amex Platinum Card and say, “Here’s a quarter million bucks! When does my hour start?”.
I hear you. Analingus is also the very first thing I think of every time I see any image or footage of Ms. Swift. Given the opportunity, I would lick her asshole until my tongue fell off.
I love when another man licks my anus. Damn, I love anal sex. I love when a man ejaculates inside my ass
I think you all know that I’m queer as queer can be. This is made abundantly obvious with every comment I post. That said, if I were a woman (miracles can happen, right?), I’d want to look exactly like Taylor Swift. She is absolute female perfection, gorgeous and elegant beyond description.
I’m straight, but I’ll fuck your ass and let you suck your own shit off of my dick if you’d like. Offer’s on the table.
Ipso facto, you are not straight.
While I’m here…
Taylor is the alpha female, a perfect 10 out of 10.
You can fuck mine too. No need of a condom. I want to feel your sperm inside me
Taylor is the one and only woman who gives me heterosexual thoughts.
Same here.
Oh, such a goddess.
To think of all the obstacles she has overcome to reach musical heights only Mozart or Beethoven has reached.
The horrible poverty she had to struggle through, the alcohol and substance abuse in her family. The gang violence she was surrounded with in the inner-city ghetto she lived in. But her message stopped the violence. When she sang, the gangs listened, the drug dealing ended, love began.
If only everyone opened their hearts to her message, there would be no more war, no more hate, just love.
And Tay-Tay.
Your comments earlier (see above) seemed more sincere and less gay.
Just sayin’.
gorgeous. more women should strive to be like her.
So true. I would brutally murder my entire family if it somehow got me one step closer to tongue-punching Taylor Swift’s unwashed fartbox.
Oh, yes. Licking Taylor’s turd cutter clean would be a dream come true.
There’s no turd cutter I’d rather lick. It’s not even close.
Authentic nudes of her would be worth MILLIONS.
Worth more than nudes of ANYBODY else, that’s for sure.
I’m sure there are hackers out there that obsess over authentic Swift nudes like knights of yore obsessed over the Holy Grail.
I’ll always stick up for Taylor. Which means she always gives me an erection.
Yes. She’s very dependable. Every image of Taylor is spank-worthy.
Holy fucknuts!!!
There’s a woman I’d love to lick clean, like a mother cat, after she’s spent a couple of hours at the gym.
I’ve never had scat fantasies before, but I think I’m ready to admit something.
Given the opportunity, I would BEG Taylor Swift to shit directly into my mouth.
If she graced me with her dump, it would be the single greatest day of my life.
As someone who lives for next-level scat (the messier, the better), I can tell you that being gifted on the tongue, face, and chest with the blessed leavings of The Queen would instantly make you a living legend. The concept of the closed door would be absent from the rest of your existence.
I have carefully examined every image of Taylor Swift on this website and, let’s just say, your assessment checks out. Well done.
Happy new Era Day! Let’s hope we see some revealing outfits!
Yes, please. No one bring the heat on stage like T.S.
I will fucking cum in my pants if she busts out this number.
The alpha-female could make a filthy potato sack look insanely sexy. You should know this.
Just ripe for breeding. I’m first…