76 thoughts on “Taylor Swift Hot (8 New Photos)

  1. What's Done Is Done

    Just a football player cum dumping ground now. When you get to doing that, you’re just done.

    1. JG

      What’s “done” here is that you’ve gone and done let us all know that you wish you were a “football player cum dumping ground”. You’re incredibly jealous and you can’t hide it.

      1. Davidson

        You can’t be that stupid. Her tits get smaller whenever she drops weight.
        Is she having her “implants” removed every now and then? Idiot.

        1. Truth

          You fucking dumbass. Just look at her fucking pictures. She’s just as fucking skinny all the time, fucking thin arms and all, and yet she was flat as shit and all of a sudden her tits were 2 cupsizes bigger.

          What a fucking gay retard one has to be…

          Fucking clown.

          1. Davidson

            If you believe you have a point to make, supply some proof in the form of images like the individual that proved you wrong below did.

  2. Truth

    This wildly overrated bitch is thoroughly unattractive. Her worst feature is her weird fucking mouth.

    Her legs are OK I guess.

    And we’d need to see her topless to judge the quality of her boob job.

    1. klawicki

      No. Taylor Swift has never had a “boob job”.
      Her body looks exactly the same now as it did on her previous world tour (2018-2019). After that, she got super skinny and her tits vanished. Here she is in early 2021…


      Her tits and ass get bigger and smaller as she gains and loses weight, just like nature intended.
      Only bitter virgins, like yourself, that put down every woman every chance they get, would ignore the obvious.

        1. Name

          InCels cast aspersions at women they don’t know. That’s pathetic.
          You’ve got it twisted, dickhead.

          1. Truth

            How is commenting on the fact that somebody has had a boob job “casting aspersions”?

            Please don’t be upset when I tell you that Pamela Anderson isn’t all natural either. You fucking fragile cunt.

  3. Marcus Aurelius

    It would be puerile to suggest that Taylor Swift wasn’t a smoking hot 10. Actually, her being a billionaire makes her a smoking hot 11.

        1. Truth

          Even if I was, it wouldn’t make the overrated Ms Swift any less unattractive.

          You seem to “get it” too, irrespective of the fact that you are fucking gay.

          1. Chester

            Only those in the minority use the term “overrated”.
            If you’re not into women, I have no problem with that.

  4. GHUA

    I would brutally murder my entire family if it somehow got me one step closer to tongue-punching Taylor Swift’s unwashed fartbox.

  5. SonnyLee916

    I would instantly leave my wife and family for one night with Taylor Swift.

    I know. I know. Take a fucking number.

    1. Belch

      Same here. I can’t even masturbate anymore unless it’s to an image of Taylor. No other women compare.

  6. Loppy

    Taylor Swift may be famous, but apparently she can still be confused with Selena Gomez (pic 4).

    Can I be a centrist here? Yes, she’s attractive enough. Is she unbelievably beautiful? Mm, no.

    1. Chester

      The 5th image is of Selena Gomez, not the 4th.
      We now have 2 reasons to call your eyesight into question.

  7. Donald tRUMP is a flaming traitor and going to prison

    Her music is pablum for the masses…..
    on the plus side she drives maga-ts crazy.
    you know….

    1. Raph

      Her music has made her a fucking billionaire. To describe it as “pablum” just makes you sound incredibly jealous and petty. Think before you type.

  8. Willy

    A very average looking woman who sings only about bad relationships and not giving blow jobs. Anyone else see a connection here?

    1. JG

      Okay, Willy. Let’s have it. What Taylor Swift song is about blowjobs?

      I ask this knowing you will not answer because there IS no answer. There is no such song and you are a bitter fucking moron.

        1. JG

          You wrote “sings only about bad relationships and not giving blow jobs”. Ipso facto, you’ve stated the she’s sung at least two songs that mention blowjobs. Do you not understand your own words, Willy?

  9. BigBallz

    still waiting for this prude fucking cunt to finally show us a glimpse of her billion dollar tits. See-thru top, nip-slip, fucking give us something, Taylor. Gahdamnit. I’m tired of masturbating to you wearing your Eras outfits. I wanna see actual tits and nipples.

      1. BigBallz

        And?? she’s just got a bikini on. Big deal. Sure, it’s a sexy picture, but still no tits or nipples revealed. I still have never seen a real, legit pic of her with a see-thru top, nipple pokies, nip-slip, fucking anything. She is the most guarded celeb I have ever seen….at least in terms of tits and cootch.

  10. Doctor Dick

    All the Taylor hating f.a g.g.o.t.s are never far away, she is the number 1 goddess in the world, she gives time to Selena the whale gomez and promotes diversity and inclusion by banging Big Black cocks.
    All the bitchy little soy boys attack her and call her names, go back to your glory hole soy boy


    1. Doctor Dick

      Oh, such a goddess.

      To think of all the obstacles she has overcome to reach musical heights only Mozart or Beethoven has reached.

      The horrible poverty she had to struggle through, the alcohol and substance abuse in her family. The gang violence she was surrounded with in the inner-city ghetto she lived in. But her message stopped the violence. When she sang, the gangs listened, the drug dealing ended, love began.
      If only everyone opened their hearts to her message, there would be no more war, no more hate, just love. Putin take heed and listen to the divine Tay-Tay! Everyone listen and feel the joy!!!
      Tay-Tay, Tay-Tay, Tay-Tay, I love you!!!!

      All Swifties want to be you, lovely Tay-Tay. Please please please please look my way! Lovely Tay-Tay!

      Biden is as sane and lucid as I am, he’s not senile at all! I love Joe and so does Tay-Tay, as all right thinking people do!

      Tay-Tay for the Democrats, all the way all the day! Wheeee!

        1. klawicki

          Well, I did read and this behavior is easy to explain. “Doctor Dick” here has built his whole existence on insulting every woman he sees. The very IDEA of Taylor Swift, a woman that 99.9% of straight men can agree is absolutely FUCKTASTIC, is deeply offensive to “Doctor Dick”. Naturally, he lashes out in a completely irrational and illogical fashion. “Doctor Dick” is, no doubt, a bitter virgin and probably a closet case.

          1. Doctor Dick

            Fuck you bitch boy, I came out of the closet years ago, insulting me wont get your cock sucked, you’re a bigger homo than i am, go suck a dick.

          2. Spankmaster

            I disagree. She is far from fantastic. And Im straight. I even have a tranny wife to prove it.

          3. klawicki

            I believe that you invented this homosexual caricature to mask your true pain.
            You’re straight, just incredibly lonely.

          4. klawicki

            I know how you feel, I’m a lonely old incel myself. That’s why I simp for women I’ll never meet and who don’t know I exist. It’s all I have. I listen to music aimed at teenage girls because that’s as close as I will ever get to a female.

            But I’m resigned to my fate. Masturbating over fully clothed pictures of famous women is all I have. So when someone actually criticizes one of them, I get very defensive and lash out like a 12 year old.

            I sorry everyone. I’m sorry Father, I’m sorry Mother. I’m just so sorry.

          5. klawicki

            That’s very clever of you; responding by using my name instead of your own. No one has ever done that before. Very original. You should be proud.

  11. She's Garbage

    All these shining knights defending this twats honor like it’ll make her want to fuck them is just as sad as the printed pictures of her they splooge over.

    1. JG

      “You should only be truthful if it might be rewarded.”

      I’ll take THINGS ONLY AN INCEL WOULD SAY for 1000, Alex.

  12. Doctor Dick

    She is morphing from Napoleon Dynamite into Carrot Top.

    How big a bitch must she be, to keep being continually dumped by all her boyfriends. Slut must be a fucking nightmare. Probably can’t even suck dick as well as the Doctor!

        1. Raph

          My mother was (GRHS) a print model. So, yeah. I would be absurd to suggest she’d even be in need of dick. Get it together, boy.

    1. klawicki

      No, Joe. Taylor Swift has never had a “boob job”.
      Her body looks exactly the same now as it did on her previous world tour (2018-2019). After that, she got super skinny and her tits vanished. Here she is in early 2021…


      Her tits and ass get bigger and smaller as she gains and loses weight, just like nature intended.
      Only bitter virgins, like yourself, that put down every woman every chance they get, would ignore the obvious.

    1. Sideshow Boob

      God hates liars, Rex.
      Then again, God already hates you for raping those underaged boys, so… proceed.

  13. Gadget

    The very sight of Taylor Swift triggers incels.
    They tend to attack her appearance, which is hilarious because she’s more attractive than any woman they’ve ever even brushed up against.


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