51 thoughts on “Taylor Swift Displays Her Stunning Figure in a Red Dress (103 New Photos)

      1. Us All

        We have spectacular news!

        That was the ONE MILLIONTH time an overweight incel has attacked a woman, miles out of his league, by claiming that “she is actually a man”.

        To claim your grand prize, just repeatedly hit yourself in the head with a claw hammer until all your pain goes away forever.

        Thanks for playing.

          1. Doctor Dick

            Boooo Booooo off to the Superbowl. Then to the airport. She and all the woke liberals are leaving. Why are they taking so long? MAGA

  1. RelentlessOnanism

    I care not a jot for her music and find myself endlessly bored with all the media nonsense that surrounds her, but I would still really, really like to fuck her.

        1. RelentlessOnanism

          Dude, relax. You’ll get laid someday, Belch..
          I know. It’s been 50+ years and you’re starting to lose hope.
          Maybe drop that extra 200 lbs. you’re carrying around.
          Maybe spend some time offline talking to actual women.
          Change your routine and maybe you’ll surprise yourself.

          1. Belch

            Fuck me.. Have we met?

            You know me so well.

            To be honest, though, I’m doing well enough ploughing your mum every tuesday when daddy’s at the alcoholics anonymous sessions.

          2. RelentlessOnanism

            If you’re into necrophilia, you probably get laid all the time, Belch.
            All you need is a shovel and that stuff you put on your upper lip so you can’t smell anything.

  2. Chester

    There is absolutely no way that her asshole doesn’t taste exactly like cotton candy.
    It’s just not possible.

    1. Brazilian boy

      But doesn’t it taste like cotton candy? I don’t believe this. Every time I see her I imagine this, or cotton candy, or marshmallow.

      1. BigBallz

        It tastes like Travis Kelce, because he fucks her up the ass after every training session.
        Enjoy licking all his juices.
        Tay-Tay does.

  3. Brazilian boy

    She is wonderful, but I don’t know why she never wants to return to my country. Did they threaten her with r@pe? Beautiful women like her, with blue eyes and blonde hair need to understand that this can happen in a poor, third world country like mine.It’s not our fault, it’s our culture!

    1. BigTung

      Did you know that The Eras Tour eventually turned a profit? Pollstar’s final estimate was $2.2 billion. I’ll bet she treated herself to a new dress.

        1. Spankmaster

          You’re confusing polestar with bargepole, what you like to shove up your arse in a multiple fashion so that you will feel tight. The real Spankmaster, in written form, has spoken…

  4. Carlos T. Jackal

    So, does the little gold “T” charm on her leg stand for “Taylor” …or “Travis?”
    Or “Triple-penetration?”

    1. JG

      I would brutally murder your entire family if it somehow got me one step closer to tongue-punching Taylor Swift’s unwashed fartbox.

      1. JG

        Yes, I would brutally murder Machine Gun Kelly or Kanye West if it somehow got me one step closer to tongue-punching Taylor Swift’s unwashed fartbox.

    1. Georgia97

      If by “one of us” you mean “people with homes in other countries”, we all wish we were one of you, you lucky bastards.

  5. Brian Spenser

    So, I am confused….Is Taylor Swift Trans? If so, is she a tucker or a fucker?

    I know Travis Kelce goes both ways and likes both the white and dark meat.

    I am pretty sure Travis Kelce knows what Patrick Mahomes’ butthole taste like but does Taylor join in on their down low sessions and if so, who is the pivot guy?

    1. Us All

      We have spectacular news!

      That was the TWO MILLIONTH time an overweight incel has attacked a woman, miles out of his league, by claiming that “she is actually a man”.

      To claim your grand prize, just repeatedly hit yourself in the head with a claw hammer until all your pain goes away forever.

      Thanks for playing.

      1. Brian Spenser

        I’m actually at a great BMI, I hit the gym every other day and just took my gal out to eat for dinner and had sex tonight.

        You seem a little unhinged to respond so harshly to just a comment. I would seek help if I was you. You seem obsessed with Taylor Swift.

        But back to Taylor Swift…. is she/he trans or not?

        His/her boyfriend Travis Kelce eats Patrick Mahomes’ stanky ass so does that mean that Taylor Swift is a twink?

        This world is so confusing. I never really cared for Taylor Swift, she seems fake AF, and I am pretty sure she/he is a turd taster like his/her boyfriend TK.

          1. Brian Spenser

            You are an cis man obsessed with trying to get in the last word but can’t form an original thought for yourself so you pull an insult from my comments and reworking it to fit your useless existence.

            I feel sorry for the people that have to interact with you after you get up from your cumstained keyboard after masturbating all day to thinking about Taylor Swift and her bi boyfriend, Travis Kelce.

            I bet you are president of the Taylor Swift Transgender Support Group.

            Fucking Dumbass. Have you ever kissed a female that wasn’t your mom, grandmother or sister?

          2. Brian Spenser

            Your mouth and other body parts must be ASHY because my mom has been dead for over 20 yrs and got cremated. But maybe that is what people who are obsessed with Taylor Swift do, they fuck ashes of dead people.

            To each their own but you sound like a deranged obsessed tranny granny to me.

            Taylor Swift has a dick, everyone knows that. Just quit fighting that fact and move on, tranny.

          3. Us All

            We have spectacular news!

            That was the THREE MILLIONTH time an incel has attacked a woman, miles out of his league, by claiming that “she is actually a man”.

            To claim your grand prize, just repeatedly hit yourself in the head with a claw hammer until all your pain goes away forever.

            Thanks for playing.

          4. Brian Spenser

            We have spectacular news!

            That was the THREE MILLIONTH time Tranny Turd Taster came to the defense of a singer that wouldn’t give the time of day to them if she met them on the street.

            To claim your grand prize, just keep copy and pasting the same dumbass comment over and over and over.

            Thanks for playing, turd taster.

          5. Sideshow Boob

            I’ve been haunting these comment sections, here at the Fap, for near on a decade and I’ve never seen anyone as triggered as you, Brian Spenser. So, what? You got called out for falling into that last resort of the frustrated INCEL; declaring that a woman, who couldn’t possibly be more stratospherically out of your league, has a penis. Just own it. You are who you are. No one thinks “Brian Spenser” is your real name. No one here will be impressed by you no matter what you write, so just roll with what comes naturally. If you truly feel like you’ve been “owned”, instead of lashing out and putting your butthurt on embarrassing display, just regroup, take a deep breath and move on to another comment section or another site. There are hundreds of them. Find peace. Let it go. Stop giving INCELs an even worse name, Brian Spenser.

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