Here are the nude and sexy photos of Tanya Kashurina. Tatyana Kashurina is a Russian model from Saint Petersburg. Age: 20 years old.
Model Tatyana Kashurina is an active user of the net, and she often tries to update her Instagram (less than 2k followers) and VK. Among the photos of Tatyana mostly naked pictures, because the girl loves nude photography. She shows her slender figure, beautiful tits, and butt.
“Pretty Woman,” ” Queen!”, “Super legs!”, “Your figure is just a top,” – write in the comments subscribers. Although there were also men, who began to criticize Tatyana, saying that in addition to the body, she has nothing.
Reminds me of the Austin Power’s scene.
Face: 7/10
Body: 9/10
You: 0/10
That mole fuckin ruins her face
On the contrary !
just like your face ruins your face
Moley moley moley moley moley
Don’t they have anything to eat in Saint Petersburg? So sad. It’s true.
Yummy breasts and some hair down there. Winner.
I mean, c’mon, be honest, its not like any “Instagram model” has ANYTHING beyond their bodies……..