Sexy singers

Camila Cabello Strolls Miami Neighborhood with Her Friends and Mother Ahead of Welcome Party (24 Photos)

So Camila Cabello just hit up Instagram to announce a turnt-up party for her first night in Miami, and now we got pics of her chillin’ with her squad and her mom in the ‘hood. The singer’s lookin’ hella relaxed and happy, just vibin’ with her fam and friends, gettin’ that quality time in.


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Katy Perry Sexy (8 Hot Photos)

Katy Perry’s back at it again, posting some fire content on the ‘Gram. In her latest pics, she’s showin’ off her snatched bod and them sick legs, gettin’ all the love from her stans.

In this new shoot, KP’s rockin’ itsy-bitsy denim shorts, posin’ on a chair in a minimalist white room, givin’ the pics a dope, high-fashion vibe. Katy’s shorts are hella tiny, but they’re doin’ wonders for her figure, showin’ off her toned legs and bod.


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