Sexy models

Luz Elena Gonzalez (22 Photos)

Peep it! Luz Elena González was born on August 17, 1970, in Guadalajara, Mexico, and she made a name for herself as a Mexican actress and model.

Her journey to the top started in the early 1990s when she kicked off her acting career in telenovelas, getting noticed for her skills and stunning looks. Over the years, she appeared in a ton of hit TV shows and soap operas, making her a beloved figure in Mexican entertainment.

Luz Elena González’s versatile acting chops and long-lasting presence in the industry have solidified her rep as one of Mexico’s top actresses.


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Kelly Gale Flaunts Her Sexy Figure in Lingerie (7 Photos)

After Elsa Hosk, another Swedish bombshell was featured in a photo shoot by Cameron Hammond for the women’s clothing brand Liu Jo.

This time, 28-year-old Kelly Gale was rockin’ some killer lingerie and striking poses in high heels that made her legs look smokin’ hot. Unlike Elsa, Kelly Gale was all about the lingerie, and these pics turned out even hotter!


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