Naked women

Nude Woman Ignores Coronavirus Warnings to Straddle Charging Bull (14 Photos)

This blond bombshell straddled the “Charging Bull” statue in the nude Thursday brazenly ignoring all coronavirus protection measures, 03/26/2020.

With quarantine in effect and the streets empty, no one was there to stop the carefree cowgirl from straddling the Financial District’s bronze icon. When she eyed a Post photographer, the bull rider took off with a pal who’d been snapping iPhone photos.

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International Women’s Day March in London (27 Photos)

Topless female Extinction Rebellion activists block Waterloo Bridge in a demonstration on International Women’s Day on March 8, 2020 in London, England. International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8th March every year and is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women whilst serving as a focal point for women’s rights.

Female members of the Extinction Rebellion Climate Crisis activist group protest topless while blocking all traffic in an action to show solidarity with women around the world disproportionately affected by the Climate and Ecological Crisis. With phrases including Climate Justice, Climate Rape, Climate Murder and Climate inequality across their chests the action is one of many across the world today by the group including actions in Columbia, Spain, Turkey, The Gambia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Uganda, DRC, Belgium, Israel, Sweden and Argentina.

Members of the public passing by on foot were predominantly supportive with some hecklers and one person on a bicycle was stopped from driving into the group by police. In other parts of the world news of the actions was met by threats of violence including assaults and, in Pakistan threats of being targeted with bombs.

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