Hannelore Elsner Naked

Hannelore Elsner Nude (11 Photos)

Check out Hannelore Elsner’s nude photo collection. Hannelore Elsner (born Hannelore Elstner, July 26, 1942 – April 21, 2019) was a German actress with a long career in television and film.

She first appeared on stage in Munich and then starred in popular films and television series such as “The Black Forest Clinic” (Die Schwarzwaldklinik) and as the main character, Inspector Lea Sommer, in the series “The inspectoress” (Die Kommissarin). She was internationally recognized for her leading role in the 2000 film “No Place To Go” (Die Unberührbare), screened at the Cannes Film Festival.

Hannelore Elsner Nude

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