20 thoughts on “Sylvie Meis is Seen Eating Ice Cream in Saint Tropez (112 Photos)

  1. Truth

    I don’t find her very attractive, so I don’t give a fucking shit.

    But a 40+ year old mother dressing like the cheapest of hookers… it’s just fucking sad and shameful.

  2. Ed

    That an ice cream? Sure looks like the sludgelike turd I expelled after a bad episode with stale bologna.

      1. Spankmaster

        Look, you fraudulent fuckfaced fag, you love to stick your tongue up any guys arse to give it a good cleaning, especially when he suffers from extremely severe dysentery. Enjoy the shit you eat as it certainly matches the fucking crap you talk about me…

        1. Belch

          Spanky having a bigger meltdown than that ice cream with that hooker’s hot little tongue licking it.

          1. Doctor Dick

            He has issues getting his tongue out of guys asses. Never share a cappuccino with Spankmaster :-(

          2. Spankmaster

            You fuck faced fags, fraudulent or otherwise, had better watch out, as dead Rolf Harris is trawling to fuck your arses with his didgeridoo, while singing all his favourite songs. I’m just warning you. It’s not my fault that you are and will be completely fucked over and beyond all hope…

          3. JG

            And I can testify its not a happy feeling being pinned ‘n pounded by roflol Hariss. I even saw Spankmasters dentures tap out once or twice.

  3. Dead Rolf Harris

    Too late with the warning, Spankmaster. They’re fucked and quite severely at that.

    I will now pant very feverishly.

      1. Dead Rolf Harris

        Good to know that you are wobbling, you fraud. Now bend over as I shove my didgeridoo right up your arse and out your mouth. And that’s just for starters, as I will sing to you my entire repertoire of songs, just to be extra nasty.

        I will now pant very feverishly.

        1. Dead Sir Jimmy Savile

          Now then, now then. You tell him Sir Rolf, there are far too many sick perverts on this site. I feel quite overcome by it all.
          And I am not kidding around, not till I get to the hospital at least.
          How’s about that, then?

        2. Spankmaster

          HEY ROLF! I got my dentures implanted. Now they wont fall off. Wanna head over to poundtown with me again?


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