15 thoughts on “Sydney Sweeney Sexy (2 Photos)

    1. Chris wade

      Is that a show that gays and liberal females watch? Never seent it. But once, I was at a red light in traffic and the female lead of that show was in car next to me, I remembered her from that boring show Mad men and yelled at her. She was nice to talk to before the light turned green!

  1. Langsmurf

    Hi there, want some candy?
    Any longer and we get 18 year old chicks growing up in their insecure lifestyle who try to do everything to boost their self-confidence.
    What is this website become…

  2. Chris wade

    I want her titties to suffocate me! I need some of her breast milk to use in my baking recipes! Lol. No joke!

  3. mike c

    for people that clearly spend a lot of time looking at naked chicks, a lot of you motherfuckers seem to really HATE women…wtf is up with that? Every other comment is some stupid ‘this women is bad because…blahblahblah’ shit. I mean, what the fuck is wrong with these dudes? Get a rubber doll and retire from human interaction, ffs.

    Everyone always acts like they resent women because they ‘have it made’ because they think they can just point and some dude will wash their car for them (or whatever), but can you imagine what it would be like to CONSTANTLY have every guy out there – approx half the population – either breathing down your neck tryin to get with you, badly hitting on you, hating you to a crazy/murderous degree out of resentment, or ‘just’ resenting the shit out of you simply because you don’t throw yourself at them just because (which is what a lot of guys would like, but then those same guys would turn around and hate on them for being ‘sluts’). We’re their leading cause of death ffs.

    I mean….it’s fuckin weird how much of this shit you see… When did we all become such chickenshit ‘i can’t have her so she’s a bitch’ assholes? Is it some kind of religious thing? Fuckin hell…. It’s fucking bizarre imho

    Not directing this at anyone in particular, but geezus… What the hell happened to just thinking ‘Wow, this girl is gorgeous and i really wish i could spend the weekend with her and her two significant friends’??

    Everybody is so fucking weirdly mean and hateful anymore…. You wonder why women are getting touchy about being hit on? Have you read the shit you write?? lol wtf man



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