20 thoughts on “Stay Home and Look Onlyfans/Patreon Leaks

  1. RelentlessOnanism

    Well, that’s all well and good, and I like a fir girl with her tits out as much as the next man, but I hardly know who any of these people are?

    1. Yeah, but...

      Tom Jones has never met a non-obese woman, but that doesn’t stop him from “enjoying” this site.

      1. Crapperwatch

        Shut up about Tom Jones, you faggot. He’s the only other person who calls out crapper on his bullshit.

  2. Common Sense

    Maybe crapper should spend his energy making this site good again instead of a new site full of fat ugly trash.

    Just a thought.

    1. Literally fuck your own face

      Your site still sucks balls. Deleting my posting doesn’t change the fact that your jerking to the grossest pussy out there. Punk ass nugga.

  3. Jack

    Been waiting so long for approval by an administrator so I can see the extra photos on the Forum. It’s like nobody running that website monitors approving the new sign ups.


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