Check out Simona Callegari’s nude and sexy photos. The Italian model made a great black and white photoshoot with Jeff Tuliniemi in 2017 and often posts her semi-naked pics on Instagram, showing her cool big tits and butt.

I want to see them damn titties in color. This b&w bullshit ain’t cutting it.
This Guido whore needs to bend over for my creampie.
Only after I do her first. I’m sure you won’t mind sloppy seconds…
No thanks. I don’t want Hep C & AIDS.
Actually, I specialise in ebola virus, leprosy and rabies. Trust me when I say they’re a lot more fun…
Looks like a trannie
That’s funny; you look just like something that came out of my arse. Have a good trip through the s-bend…
Now that’s what I call a pair of nice fucking hooters!
Now that’s what a real woman’s body should look
Good body, but that face with no make-up is scary. I mean wake up next to it in the morning and gnaw your arm off scary.