11 thoughts on “Sexy Kelly Brook Shows Off Her Cleavage in London (41 Photos)

  1. RelentlessOnanism

    To think that ten or fifteen years ago this girl was just about the fittest woman on earth. Do yourself a favour and look up some photos of her when she was in her 20s. She was absolutely breathtaking. Her body was basically perfect. Sadly, age and a slowing metabolism seems to be taking its toll. She’s still kind of attractive, in a slightly frumpy, somewhat gone-to-seed sort of way, but the fall from grace is stark.

  2. GerMan

    Is the bitch pregnant or did she just get fatter than she already was?

    Truly, deeply sad considering how sexy she once was.

  3. Erogenous Jones

    What a contrast to how she looks in the TV advert for Slimfast she’s currently in !

    Do hope they never run the pics side by side as it’d kill the company in seconds (a la Ratners)


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