Selena Gomez turns up the heat in the La’Mariette x Selena Gomez swimsuit campaign. The singer poses for Bukunmi Grace and Morgan Brutocao in the sizzling images. Focusing on a dreamy print called Aura, the collaboration boasts purple, green, and red shades.
With six pieces in all, designs include strappy bikini tops, a one-piece named Gracie, a wrap top, and stylish bottoms.

Sexy and beautiful
This woman has a kavorka that can be seen from the surface of the moon.
Hold in that taco gut beaner.
Given the opportunity, you’d like your own piss off of that “taco gut”.
Damn already hit the wall. She’s a box of twinkies away from being a straight up land whale. Question is, why did that magazine waste time and money on her? Oh right I forgot we’re still in that faggot ass “diversity and inclusion” phase where mega companies pander to brain dead insecure women.
Once she gets pregnant (if she can even hold onto a guy long enough that is) she’s done for. FREE WILLY!
You could have saved a lot of time and just typed “I’m gay.”
Would rather be a homo and bang a fit guy with a tight asshole than bang a landwhale that took Bieber’s D.
We no longer SUSPECT you’re gay.
I preferred her when she was underage
She will never work for Disney
We have high standards.
I prefer white meat but I’d make an exemption for this one.
Middle-aged body and the face of a special-needs toddler. She’s so BRRAAAAVE!
Where’s her kidney transplant scar?
Hit the treadmill Shamu! Gross.
Hmmmmmmmmmm I wanna bang that phat latina ass again sooo bad. She wants my BBC and she loves sucking on my basketballs lol
This girl is really hot!!!
She’s like a wine, every day that goes by, it gets better.
As much as some say otherwise, but she’s very beautiful.
I love this chubby baby face, which she’s been about 10 years, Her lips, the way her moles make her boobs 1000x sexier. Selena is the embodiment of beauty, sweetness and kindness.
I love this woman!!!
Good comment Trutherbob. This is AFTER all the airbrushing and photo shopping. Like to see the originals {NOT.}
Her tits are on point, but the goddess needs to keep an eye on her belly.