17 thoughts on “Selena Gomez Sexy (11 New Photos)

    1. Sha

      Imagine being so shallow that you feel this way. She’s had a kidney replaced because hers were failing and still has the chance of relapsing to battle the disease that caused it. People gain weight she’s not obese so chill. She’s stunning.

  1. J

    I don’t agree with those saying she’s not as hot because she’s a bit bigger and curvier han 5 years ago. She’s still way hotter than most of the tattoo’d piercings everywhere rake thin fake tits and fake everything else Instagram and onlyfans so called influencer types… I’d much prefer to be under the sheets with a natural sultry sexy Selena.. much more sex appeal and cuteness but feel free to disagree

  2. Joe Schmuck

    No questions asked if she wants to sit on my face. All I ask for in return is a casual, no strings attached creampie her pu$$y..


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