11 thoughts on “Selena Gomez Looks Pretty at The Creative Impact Awards (30 Photos)

    1. FuzzyBritches

      The Truth is that you’re a dumbfuck incel. Is she as hot as she once was? No. But she still looks pretty decent for her age and her health issues.

      1. Doctor Dick

        All F.a.g.g.o.t.s make accusation about others who seek the truth, this beaners head is getting bigger as it’s eyes get squeezed closer together.
        Just ask her friend who gave her a kidney, that’s right they are no longer friends, she was hot, now she is just another fat beaner.

        1. FuzzyBritches

          You wouldn’t know truth if it shoved itself up your ass along with the linear miles of black cock you take on a daily basis .

          Also, you’re not Doctor Dick, unless he underwent a lobotomy. Despite his numerous faults, he’s literate and can spell, unlike you.

          1. Doctor Dick

            Fuzzy you cock sucking retard, linear, as in a graph. Dude your grasp of grammar is that of a retarded f.a.g.g.o.t who was lobotomised by shoving a cock up it’s nose.
            I am the real Doctor Dick, maga forever. You know lots about taking black cocks up your well used asshole. I heard elton john fell out of your asshole last week when you bent over, go back to the gloryhole fuzzybitch

          2. FuzzyBritches

            It figures you’d use a definition you learned in the 3rd grade, since your education ended at that point.

            Anyway, I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. In your case, not only are you unarmed, you wouldn’t even understand how to wield the weapon.

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