Check out Selena Gomez’s vid where she’s almost showing some boob action.
Check out Selena Gomez’s vid where she’s almost showing some boob action.
It is not possible to overstate how vile, repulsive and disgusting this abject whore is.
Don’t talk about your mother that way, even if it’s true.
Peep the vape pen in one of the pics. More proof she doesn’t have lupus and is just a druggie
imagine having lupus AND also enjoying weed. Seems impossible.
Hows her retardation or mental health or whatever they are calling it these days, coming along?
She’s 32, and still looks like a ‘special” toddler.
Her of the giant head.
And giant appetite.
Selena is hot
and you gay
Yeah big tits and a massive ass. My kind of girl
Nude boob? if you have X-ray maybe
I know nude boob’s better then anyone…. this is not nude… whoever wrote the summary for this is blind.. very bad.. should be ashamed, very ashamed.
She peaked at 15.
They all do.
Kamala is the only solution, Indians know how to run things. Vote Democrat, you dumb slaves!