13 thoughts on “Selena Gomez Displays Her Sexy Boobs in a Red Dress at the 2023 MTV Video Music Awards (16 Photos)

  1. 300 lbs ballerina

    I thought you were born with Down syndrome, but Selena has shown us that you can be born normal and gradually turn mongo over time. This has spooked me a bit. I check every day to make sure my eyes aren’t turning slanted.

  2. yourmomisworthfivecents

    She’s pregnant right? That’s got to be it. I mean I still would love to nail her, her tits look amazing. But she’s pregnant right?

    1. Spankmaster

      Judging by that bump stomach of hers, I’d say yes. Otherwise, she needs to lay off the tacos for a while, excluding the fish tacos, of course. Just being appreciative of her undertaking any alternative life style choices…


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