Check out Sean Young’s nude/sexy collection, including her see-through, red carpet photos and screenshots with hot scenes from “Love Crimes”, “Men”, “Threat of Exposure”, etc.
Mary Sean Young (born November 20, 1959) is an American actress. She is best known for her performances in the films “Blade Runner” (1982), “Dune” (1984), “No Way Out” (1987), “Wall Street” (1987), “Cousins” (1989) and “Ace Ventura: Pet Detective” (1994).

Chunker now.
Einhorn is a man.
Babe back in the and also bat shit crazy.
Quote your source for this crazy TDS crapola.
Are you a Military Veteran…never served this Nation? You are the biggest pussy on Earth itself…so how can you pass judgement on any MAN?
Sean was a beautiful girl. She pissed off the wrong people in the industry………..probably a lot of which wasn’t her fault but nonetheless it hurt her. Hurt her career. She WAS a ME/TO victim I believe. A lot of the big wigs wanted to fuck her and manipulate her and when she wouldn’t go along they struck back. Yeah, she was a little crazy but I think the industry added to that. Hollywood can be a tough gig.
Hot body in the 80’s/90’s – had rep as Difficult but that was probably just Weinstein blacklisting her for not blowing him
I remember her bulge in Ace Ventura.