Check out Sarah Rafferty’s sexy event photos and screenshots from “Suits”.

Check out Sarah Rafferty’s sexy event photos and screenshots from “Suits”.
Clitorises should be licked. The problem is the women attached to them think they are more then their baby makers. Jokes on them. They find out at 40. Their purpose is pleasure. To fulfill the sexual wishes of men.
A moronic declaration from an incel who has never been close to an actual clit.
Fucked more women than you I’m sure.
Your Tantaly doesn’t count.
Speak English you fuck. British doesn’t count.
Wow, you’re more of a moron than I thought possible. Maybe look up what words mean before trying to use them as insults.
You just proved my point. I don’t need to use a sex doll. You however knew not only that you wanted one you knew the specific brand. So tell us what one is your preference?
Heh, this post has scrolled to page 3, and still you’re still trying to act like you’re not a dumbfuck incel. You’re like a kindergartener who keeps going “I know you are, but what am I?”, over & over, because they are too stupid to come up with anything else.
Pot meet kettle. Difference is I’m not an incel.
You can’t even come up with anything original, you just weakly try to hurl back my insults like a spastic monkey flinging his poo all over the place.