Sara Underwood Sexy (30 Photos)

Sara Jean Underwood wears a sexy bikini on vacation in Hawaii, 03/20/2017. Sara Underwood is a model, TV host, actress, Playmate of the Month for the July 2006 from Portland (Oregon – U.S.). Age – 32 (born March 26, 1984).


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17 thoughts on “Sara Underwood Sexy (30 Photos)

          1. MM00

            Amazing that despite never having demonstrated any talent at anything, she’s apparently developed the skill to “POSE” herself into having bigger tits, a smaller waist, a bigger ass, a tighter belly, and an entirely different waist/hip ratio (that must have been a toughie!). Why jump all over a complete stranger, and call him not only, “dumb,” for which there is no evidence, but also a “fucking virgin,” which seems like not only a contradiction in terms, but laughably childish?

    1. Fez Ferrari

      Yep, that’s what her butt really looks like. It’s a wonder what photoshopping and airbrushing can do.

  1. Rich

    Nice to see some candid shots of her.

    shows you how much fakery goes into her officials pics, where she looks like a Japanese cartoon school girl.

  2. Sam

    Man crapper I wanted to see the new Elizabeth ruiz leaked photos but they were taken down almost immediately, anywhere else I can see them ASAP?

  3. Miles Long

    I don’t think that’s really her. Not only does her body lack the muscle development of Sara Underwood, but the breasts also look too small to be her. I think it’s just a lookalike.

  4. They Have No Eyes & I Must Fap

    First set of pics are creepy as fuck! Where the hell are her eyes!? Eyeless people give me the spooks and zooming in just makes it creepier, damn you unfortunate lighting! I can’t fap to those… fuck it imma put googly eyes on’em and see if that works :D


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