19 thoughts on “Samantha Harris & Luke Hunt are Pictured in Sydney (68 Photos)

  1. Willibog

    Model? What the fuck does she model for, antihistamine brands? She’s the “before” picture, when the allergic reaction first takes place.

    Maybe she should lay of the salt a bit and not retain so much water, and be bloated like that.

  2. 300 lbs ballerina

    I guess the world is now so PC that when blind people demand to be hired as model scouts, the agencies don’t dare say no. There can be no other explanation here. That beast if fucking terrifying.

    She commented a pic of herself somewhere and remarked that it was “not the most flattering”. My big Q is, how the fuck would anyone manage to take ANY single flattering photo of this… fish with legs?

  3. Traveler

    Bet when she smiles the whole room lights up.
    Just kidding, she should take some of that “model” money and buy a chin.

  4. Wendell

    Geez…………she looks about 3 cans short of a six pack. Does someone have to show her where the bathroom is every time she goes? Good lord.

  5. Fudgepecker

    Guys, have some respect. She’s the distinguished receiver of the first face transplant. There’s a learning curve. In the future they will figure out how to connect the nerves.


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