Here are some Sair Khan’s nude and sexy leaked The Fappening preview photos.
Sair Khan is a British actress and reality TV contestant. She is best known for her role of Alya Nazir in the “Coronation Street” since 2014 and more recently appeared on the TV show “I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!” She was born on February 11, 1988, in Leeds, England.

Keep your thong on, kids. The guy who has them is probably working out a sale first. They send this as proof before cash is handed over
girls are still idiots, still have not learned how to turn off cloud upload…they deserve all humiliation they get to scare younger girls to be smarter
They deserve it for buying iPhones.
Some of these dumb thots are looking to be hacked to get famous
Let’s get a move on with these stinky buttholes… I am hungry and only the stinkiest of Indian Buttholes will satisfy this hunger!!! If you don’t know what I am talking about one do the photos is reportedly of her butthole after explosive Diarrhea… as if an Indian has any other kind of bowel movement hahaha those stinky class systemed freaks love the poop hole though! Never met an Indian who hasn’t eaten a few pounds of poop in his lifetime! Haha they really do!!! Bc first off, their crops are grown with human fertilizer, meaning they use human shit to fertilize their crops! Then, they rarely have access to clean water so they often clean their food in tainted water, and it is typical that they eat each other’s buttholes, they also rarely have toilet paper! Most of the country doesn’t believe in it! Including the upper cast! The lower cast, is typically tormented by the upper, and are often forced to eat poop… it’s just a poop loving, & poop living country!
Beyond the excessive amount of poop that she has eaten and her stinky b-hole… she is hot… I don’t know if she has given many bj’s as she is more into salad tossing as a way of getting nutrients! Bc… they love poop… OK… let’s just say it! Turban wearing Indians are some of the dirtiest most disgusting creatures on this planet! They make monkeys look like British Imperialist Gentlemen from the late 1800’s… they seldom shower, when they do it is often in curry flakes… that’s an actual thing! Ask the next Indian you see what a curry shower is! It’s like a hillbilly shower except instead of Axe Body Spray they use curry powder!!! That is 100% true! That’s why they always smell of curry, bc they use it to cover up the fact that they probably have eaten 3 ounces of poop before the sun was up!
Now, I know a lot of you are questioning, WHY DO THEY OWN SO MANY GAS STATIONS OR MINI MARTS??? If they are so into poop and smelly things, why are they so into selling gas, and energy drinks and parliament lights… here is why… coming to America, the first turban Indian desperate to find some stink searched frantically for a stinky place to call home. He tried apartments, he bought a house, he worked at hospitals, which in India are some of the stinkiest places of all! But he could not find the poopy smell that would get his little hairy penis so hard! Eventually he found a “gas station” he assumed it was a place where you could go and have strangers fart in your face! Excitedly he ran to this gas station searching for the stink… he found only fuels, alcohol and treats… then… he decided to use the toilet to find some dinner, upon walking into the gas station bathroom he dropped to his knees and rolled in the heavenly stink! He quickly got on his boast wireless mobile phone and assured his people he found a stink that could sustain them… he spent the next week acting as a toilet at the gas station saving up his rubies haha I know it’s rupees, to buy a gas station of his own. Indian gas stations a mini marts also have back room that allow you to fart in the face of their wives children and other loved ones… after all, the Stinkier the Indian the happier they are!
So… the next time you see a stinky Indian get on your plane or pumping your gas… compliment them on their stinkiness! Tell them they smell like curry flavored pickled shit and give them a hug! Bc without them, We wouldn’t have… ??? I don’t know… diarrhea looking food and weird dancing entertainment that is so awful only the stinkiest and stupidest little fucking midget freaks would like!
Oz is that you?
her family are muslim so i’m guessing she will be found dead soon after these get leaked
elizabeth olsen& gal gadot more
Looking forward to these. keep your Hollywood skanks. Give me the babes of the cobbles any day
Pls send all sair khan pics
Please send