Ok, this looks like a cheap porn movie made in the 1970’s and the woman in it is obviously a bat shit crazy bint in her mid forties, but she still looks nice and worthy of a great fuck to keep her happy. Yes, my dick is ready and waiting for you, my dear…
Wild Rose?
Was she ever, ha ha!
Shame about all her lies, it’s rather tainted our special tine together.
But the truth will set me free.
Ok, this looks like a cheap porn movie made in the 1970’s and the woman in it is obviously a bat shit crazy bint in her mid forties, but she still looks nice and worthy of a great fuck to keep her happy. Yes, my dick is ready and waiting for you, my dear…
If only she could have stayed like in Charmed we would do her. But no, she had to meet weinstein. Such a shame. Could have would have…..