Singer Rita Ora, 27, bares her butt in a sparkly red leotard as she puts on a raunchy performance in Kosovo, 02/17/2018.

Singer Rita Ora, 27, bares her butt in a sparkly red leotard as she puts on a raunchy performance in Kosovo, 02/17/2018.
umm…it’s a bodysuit…nothing’s “bare”…wtf dude
Ikr I was ready to beat my meat and it’s not even her ass lmao
Wat kind of dummie attends those
Where the fuck is Kosovo?
Kosovo is the part of Serbia that the UN stole.
Its like if Canadians moved into Michigan,
declared Michigan its own country,
and the UN said ok.
Actually, I thought Kosovo is the part of Serbia that should be part of Albania because the population is a majority of Albanians, and the Serbians are the bad guys because they side with Russia and the Kosovar Albanians support the drug trade which funnels money in fighting Russia, which the United States approves or something like that, I could be wrong though, and btw, the Canadians never stole anything from the Americans, the only time Canadians (British Empirists) occupied American land was when the Yanks got greedy and made an attempt to sieze Canada, fyi, the entire confederation of Canada exists solely for protection from America, but ironically, the Canucktards never stop whoring themselves out to the Yanks because the Quebecers is an ally but also our hubris because the Frenchies are the British traditional enemy, but thats another story, and so, the story of the Texas Alamo and the Mexican annexation totally does not apply to Canada because we are not greedy bastards, (generally), we just wish to live our lives, and btw, goddammit, why did the official header not point out that Rita Ora was born in Kosovo so shes really just come home