Check out Rihanna’s possible leaked The Fappening style nude photos from her amateur photoshoot. The black hottie poses naked for some magazine, showing her breasts and pussy. Are these pictures of her? What do you think?

There’s obvious tattoos and piercings missing. Fake news.
You don’t think a young photo of someone would be missing their tattoos and piercings? Wait, do you think people are born with those things? It’s obviously not her because this nog is missing Rhianna’s big wide chimp nose.
this ain’t rihanna dumbass
I don’t think she’s Rihanna, but it’s a hottie one.
Yeah that aint Rihanna
An eye test may be due?
This is clearly not Rihanna, from the face, the body type or the (lack of) tattoos.
not sure if it is her, but it does say from an amateur photo shoot, so it’s old, before she was famous probably
No. It’s a recent photoshoot of someone who clearly isn’t her
When ‘Pon de Replay’ came out, Rihanna was 17. If the shooting was before she was famous, this would be underage porn.
Before she was famous? Her career started when she was 17 her first Song was Pon de Replay from 2005.
Rihanna did a nude photo shoot like this before she got tattoos. Will require more research.
It’s not Rihanna. I know cuz I masturbate to her every night and usually like her tattoos.
Rihanna would never have a pictures taken of her pussy if its hairy. And we know what her nipple looked like she was young . Nothing like that
crapper go home you’re drunk or Retarded
What is all o’ y’all impotent bottom-feeding faggots complaining about? That babe is way hotter than fucking Rihanna!!!
That’s not the point at all here… (not that this girl IS hotter than Rihanna – I don’t think she is).
she has pierced nipples you fucking idiot.
We have seen Rihannas pussy, it looks quite different. And Rihanna has never had such a thin frame.
Rihanna has never been that skinny. That said, not bad.
Gorgeous little poon tang
Can I have a hardon please thanks
I’m male, fat, bald and bearded and I look more like Rihanna than this broad.
Clearly not her.
Kudos for saying it is just because she’s sorta black though.
what a stupid fucking waste of time. This is Halle Berry and some photoshopped Rihanna. Fucking morons and kiddos who run this ridiculous page smh
Not near fat enough for that she boon.
I guess they all just look alike to this site’s admin
don’t know who she is but i would fuck her
maybe in your dreams that’s Rihanna, not even close. And No, not a young Rihanna either… sheesh
Looks nothing like Rihanna.
Captain Clickbait strikes again!
I only like white meat. Donald Trump.
You like Donald Trump white meat? I thought it was all orange.
clickbait …. admin = moron
lol You’re a bunch of fucking idiots, those photos is from first fappening and her icloud, so here she is.
Nope. found those photos and it’s from Newlook aka Penthouse magazine 1986 issue .Case is closed.Not her.
No creo que se Rihanna, pero lamería esa cotorrita negra por horas.