“Showgirls” actress Rena Riffel’s sexy, topless (covered) social media “I Voted” photo shoot, inspired by Chelsea Handler‘s naked Instagram “Vote Like Your Life Depends On It!” post – Private Location, 11/06/2018. For some, these elections were held successfully.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/renariffel/

How pathetic. Someone wanted to get noticed.
yeah, apparently you
…well that’s my purpose – to get attention – duh. That said, I VOTE we get more dick pics on the site. As I’ve mentioned, love the low hangers of BBC, especially if they’re hairy. Although that does cause problems when I gobble them back. Grrr….stand back…..we have lift off (such as it is)….MICROPEEN ACTIVATE!!
Imaginary friends, feel free to post your comments I’ll never read below.
Cant wait to vote that obese slovenly crook Donnie Chump OUT in 2020!
Good luck with that. Not only is it damned near impossible to beat an incumbent President, the current President was voted in by the same people that will again vote to keep him there in 2020. Gotta love the way the Left thinks though. “Tolerance” and “Freedom” as long as you think the way they do.
“Won’t don’t you libtards tolerate my intolerance!?!?”
Send my regards to Bevin. Your fat old gameshow host is on the way out and you know it.
Can’t wait to vote the magician Trump IN again in 2020!
Bet your stupid ass wouldn’t have said the same thing about Hillary. Who’s proven to be way more of a crook. Libtard coward and hypocrite.
This is what happens when an old whore doesn’t have kids. Feminism has lied to these poor women. She should be raising grandkids, but instead… she’s trying to relive her glory days. Pathetic.
I vote for the insides of your vulva, ya cunt!
6 more years faggots
if she used these stickers right her tits wouldn’t bang on her knees .
Nice arse. Needs a buggering.
A can yall just admire a woman in who not to bad in panties? Did she say vote for trump? No stickers just say she voted.
#MAGA, you fatasses! Liberals can go suck on a transgender dick
I vote that you don’t post anymore “nudes” of this hag
The best thing about her is her pubes and she has them covered in granny panties. Meh.
I think she is pretty hot for her age (almost 50) and no body work done…
I don’t know who this is I just want to say though that you are only supposed to get ONE sticker. ONE. PERIOD.