7 thoughts on “‘Puss in Boots’ Brings Salma Hayek & Antonio Banderas (43 Photos)

      1. Davidson

        The simp incel imposter posts again. What a prick.

        You are the abortion that lived, so eat a grenade and jump on a bayonet. Let your boyfriend film and upload it to your fruity youtube channel. Retard.

  1. peter dobson

    What a Lady between all “the men”. She is a shining star in a dark dark world. Whatever you write here. That won’t change. My darling Salma Hayek we adore you. So much better that all K. and J. family combined.

      1. Spankmaster

        Dockie, as you are so unfamiliar of anything to do with women, then what you undoubtedly think is a cracking pair of tits is actually your own arse and your extremely lamentable ability in which to fuck it. As for Salma, please Peter give her one for me when you and your good wife get to have that phenomenal threesome. And make sure you get footage of it to share aroundā€¦


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