16 thoughts on β€œPoll: Fernanda Passos vs. Mary Kalisy”

  1. Lowlifer

    Mary is perfect. but who is we? ”So we’ve decided to do a poll. Choose the girl.” Its only you crapper or u talk about your imaginary friends?

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    1. bruv

      it’s the editorial we or the royal we, u fokken lowlife!

      i dunno who fernanda is but mary kalisy is an adult model

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    2. Alexssander Carlos Dragoni

      She has really small tits, with an almost only bones body, far from perfect, other seems to be unatural, so i would say, both are pretty girls, but both are β€œmehβ€œ.

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  2. Implant free is the way to be

    The one without the implants obviously. If you’re having trouble distinguishing which is which you really need to get off the internet.

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