18 thoughts on “Phoebe Price Gets Some Sun on Memorial Day Weekend (24 Photos)

  1. Fame Whore

    If she put on 350lbs or so, she’d look just like my mom.

    I could fap to that, if I could find my penis amongst the voluminous rolls of fat.


  2. Dr Gregory House M.D

    I didn’t know distancing was spelt ‘distaning’ and just look at the top line and spot the problem there. retarded bitch.

  3. Dick bigger then your moms

    Dear Phoebe,
    From the highly intelligent people on this site we reach out to you to warmly say, fuck you and every dumb ass hat you own.

  4. JesusChrist

    Can someone pleeeeease just finally push her back into the ocean to her own kind….no i’m not talking off whales, i’m speaking of plastic trash.

  5. Phoebe fuck that tower for us!

    Have been watching too much porn or is that Eiffel tower a dildo?? Lol I’d love to see THAT put to good use


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