Nude Demonstration Against The Global Security Law In Paris (2 Photos)

Nude babes are pictured in Paris on November 28, 2020 during a protest against the ”global security” draft law, which Article 24 would criminalize the publication of images of on-duty police officers with the intent of harming their ”physical or psychological integrity”.

28 thoughts on “Nude Demonstration Against The Global Security Law In Paris (2 Photos)

  1. Jeeg

    These topless girls have only one power.
    Where they appear the protesti became immediately ridicolous!
    Even the most serious protest looks like something stupid just for television.

  2. Patton

    Those guys or girls? I mean it’s France, so it’s hard to tell. And agree, Fuck Marcon. Cheese eating surrender monkeys.

  3. wawa

    Nothing says take me seriously like writing words on your shitty body with lipstick.

    Feminists: “We’re not sex objects, stop objectifying us!”
    Also feminists: “Let’s use our tits to bring attention to our cause”

    This is what happens when we give women the right to vote.

    1. Dark D

      You really were born in the wrong era, weren’t you? Although, even if this was the 1930s, you’d still struggle to get laid as no doubt you’re ugly as sin itself.

      1. Stormin Norman

        Dark D
        If the women began churning out Clara Bartons, Susan B Anthonys, and Joan of Arcs, I would actually side with you. But that’s not the case at all. So far all we see is shit, broken families, 50 somethings trying to lay themselves some rich 30 year old dude, hairy armpits, mudsharks, Ellen Degenereses, no good bitches from the View, abortion for shits and giggles, and wrinkly loud mouthed gated community celeb whores.
        So if that’s the norm we see, then you’re going to hear more stuff like what Wawa was saying. If you produce shit, then people will call you shit. I’m not saying us men are the equal to God Himself, but for every Lenin or Biden we produce, we counter them with a Lincoln, a Trump, or Thomas Paine.

        1. Dark D

          Sorry, but that’s horse shit. None of that is new, media just puts it in your face and you don’t like looking at it. Then little maggots like Wawa, German and the rest of the ‘blame anyone who isn’t a white man’ crowd crawl out of the woodwork crying for a time when they think life would have given them everything they desire just for existing – all because they fail at modern life. If you can’t compete in a level playing field, it just means you were weak in the first place. The days when one demographic held power over everyone else are over and if you can’t adapt then just die quietly – without being a whiney cunt on the internet. It’s just natural selection playing out like it always has.

        2. wawa

          Instead it’s just a bunch of welfare queens. At this point women cause more problems than they solve. There’s a reason why the second we allowed the emotional driven gender the right to vote society starts becoming more and more illogical. Just look at these far-left towns/cities. They are literal shit holes on fire.
          It’s why the more power women have gotten the less stable and logical society has become.
          Women are the majority of the electorate. Does it make sense why they voted to flood europe with religious extremists and demise their own native demography? because it β€œfeels” nice.

          1. Dark D

            Shut up Wawa – you have no idea of the world beyong your own doorstep. Your opinion is invalid. Genders aren’t weak, people are. You make that point every time you post your pathetic, whiney bullshit. Die in ignominy you little worm.

          2. shit stain

            Wawa. You may wish to take a look at the education system. The probable educational profiles of those protesting, and their age. The mind control starts young and many continue to believe in shit.

  4. Jack

    When was the last time this type of protesters, protested about the LITERAL beheadings that islamic extremists perform in their country when someone dares to make a drawing that they don’t like? But hey, being a condescending white woman, attacking the “inferior brown” people is not only not going to get you any woke brownie points, but will probably cast you into the social justice’s equivalent of hell, so yeah look the other way and bitch about not being able to doxx a cop simply because he made the mistake of sitting idly in front of a building that leftist terrorists want to vandalize, instead.

    This kind of hypocrisy by these “protesters” who in reality are just exhibitionists who want to practice their sexual kink (what the fuck do tits have to do with police brutality), really gets under my skin.

    1. Babbling Biden

      THAT would be better than anything Crapper has EVER posted on here. I’d spank myself so hard & frequent I’d flash back to being 13. Mow the motherfuckers down!

  5. Professor Wank

    These retards need to get their snatches out. No doubt involves a lot of hair. Wake up retards. A snatch make a point.


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