Nina Cash Sexy – Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2024 (48 Photos)

Nina Cash (57) was snapped by Ben Watts in Porto and the North, Portugal, for the 2024 SI Swimsuit Issue.

This retired university associate dean is a proud mom, granny, and wife who decided to chase modeling as her “encore career” after hangin’ up her academic hat. Cash makes her debut in the SI Swimsuit Issue this year after gettin’ crowned co-winner of the 2023 Swim Search.



24 thoughts on “Nina Cash Sexy – Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2024 (48 Photos)

  1. GHUA

    The endless alphabet of DEI body positivity isn’t enough – it’s also an opportunity for a retired University Dean to become a sex symbol and promote her inevitable OnlyFans account

        1. Bill Clinton

          Anyone got her insta?


  2. Severin

    FAR more fuckable than Oprah’s bff.


  3. Facts

    I remember when I was 13 and used to jack off to the SI issue. Now at 43 I couldn’t even cum jacking off to this old chick. SI is garbage now.

    1. Spaz de la Whoreta

      You can’t cum jacking off bc you’re too fat to reach your own cock. And the only pussy you get is the 4 cats you live with.

  4. GeorgeFPreston

    guess they’ll unwrap some mummies for next year’s issue… good grief. Can they get some actual human males to pick the models??

  5. Captain Fantastic

    I’m only here to read the negative comments of the whiny incels who depend on this one issue of SI to generate their fantasy world of women they know they’ll never get.

    1. Captain Fantastic

      I’m only here to simp for all the fat blobs and old hags that the uber-lefty bankrupt rag SI pumps out in their piss-poor Swimsuit issue because I’ve never touched a real woman and think being a “male femmynizt” will get me laid. Some day.

  6. Tacho

    After the first Wave of whales, we now have to deal wth the horde of hags. BUCKLE UP FELLAS HARD TIMES AHEAD!

  7. Sinik

    The Swimsuit Issue used to be the only reason I’d open an issue of Sports Illustrated. Now we know what the final straw was…

  8. Spankmaster

    I just farted very loudly and it was very smelly. Enduring that was a hell of a lot more pleasant than what I’m viewing here. Go figure…

      1. Spankmaster

        Of course your farts attract all your customers. You thoroughly enjoy being fucked over by farm animals. That being said, you extremely cunting fraudulent fuckfaced fag, just fuck yourself to death with your farts and your clients. There you are, problem solved…

  9. Kunt and the Gang

    Johnny Cash looks hotter than this bony old dried-up husk.
    And he’s been dead for 20 years.

  10. The Voice Of Reason

    Looks good for her age for sure.
    Tits are fake. Stretch marks and what looks like an autopsy scar that’s visible in the few pics that haven’t been photo-shopped within an inch of their lives. Most asians look younger than they really are, so there’s that too.
    …and like all asian women, she undoubtedly likes it in the ass.


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