Nicole Kidman Nude – Babygirl (Video)

In 2024, Nicole Kidman, at 57, totally crushed it in one of the most daring roles of her career in the film “Babygirl“. This movie, rated R for its explicit content, has been a huge hit thanks to Kidman’s intense acting and her still-on-point physique.

“Babygirl” is one of the most talked-about films of the year, and Kidman’s role is a big reason why. Her work here is a major step in her career and a reminder that sexuality and nudity aren’t limited by age.



12 thoughts on “Nicole Kidman Nude – Babygirl (Video)

  1. Sure crapper

    It’s a hit because of it’s nudity and her acting? It has nothing to do with the mainstream narrative of women having cake and eating it too? A CEO who is used up having an affair with a hot, young guy. What woman wouldn’t want to watch the movie. Unfaithful was a hit too. I wonder why?

  2. The Voice Of Reason

    Her “still-on-point physique” is solely credited to her plastic surgeons. There’s more plastic in her than a landfill.

  3. 300 lbs ballerina

    Those tits wouldnā€™t jiggle even if she was jumping on a trampoline. And thatā€™s not a compliment.
    1760 A.D: Wooden teeth. 2025 A.D: Wooden tits.

  4. Severin

    The character of “Esme” in the film is perfect when she confronts Kidman. She cares NOTHING about Kidman as a person, and only sees her as a means to further her liberal feminist agenda, which revolves around remedying the economic dissatisfaction of upper middle class women like herself. She IS liberal feminism personified, soulless and inhuman, like Kamala and Hillary.

  5. Brian Spenser

    She looks like Maitland Ward’s coked out mother.

    The skin on her face is so stretched out.

    I bet her pussy smells like a pissy diaper.


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