Nicki Minaj was spotted checking out of her hotel this evening after her epic night at the MTV VMA’s in New York City, 08/29/2022.

Nicki Minaj was spotted checking out of her hotel this evening after her epic night at the MTV VMA’s in New York City, 08/29/2022.
At least they didn’t lie and try to claim that shes sexy. She has never been sexy.
‘Baldheaded African hippo’ with a ridiculous white girl’s wig.
Married to an actual sex offender. Yuck!
This is what happens when an airplane full of money
crashes in the middle of a trailer park. LOL
Talentless porker
The ‘MTV Video Music Awards’ used to get
12.4 million live viewers in the key demographic.
Today, the VMA’s can’t even get a million live viewers.
Instead, the producers count the minutes
people watched the ‘show highlights’ on YouTube.
Maybe, people don’t want to see a wealthy-fat bitch, like Lizzo,
complain about being “oppressed”, while accepting an award
on the VMA stage, surrounded by other spoiled millionaires.
Not to mention MTV was so desperate that this awards show was shown on free broadcast TV and they still cannot get any viewers.
I can stitch 2 suits from every tee she donates.
That’ll do, pig. That’ll do.
I’m pretty sure there real. Whatever you say she has an awesome body and her tits are simply spectacular :-)
I wonder where the rest of 9 ten pins is…
Are you sure that is not Lizzo?
Just a fat talentless piece of dog shit.
Guys here hating are clearly gay lmfao