“Celebrity Big Brother” star Natalie Nunn (33) is seen in Spain before her big return to the house this weekend, 09/07/2018. Natalie is seen wearing a white bikini as she relaxes around a pool.
She is due to head back into the famous house this weekend to spill the beans on what’s been going on with the likes of Roxanne Pallett and Rodrigo Alves since they left the show.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realmissnatalienunn/

Body OK but face looks like it’s run into a wall !
If these are the best of this collection of oh so unposed photos, hate to think what the rest were like !
That is not an attractive face.
she is a f*cking whale
Will the last Kartrashian clone to leave the building, please turn out the lights?
Fugly, saggy tits, fat arse and a horrible personality. No thanks.
Awesome !
A true woman
Hey SPANKY, best watch out you don’t loose your rectal zygmoidascope up this one.
Don’t worry, James. Not only is my special magic friend on a leash, but it has a retractable action on it so it will crawl out on its’ own accord. And besides, I’m not too sure on sending on a suicide mission up this thing. She looks like the sort that has 10 inch nails for breakfast…
Don’t worry, James. Not only do I have my special magic friend on a leash, but it has a retractable action that allows it to crawl out on it’s own accord. And besides, I wouldn’t send it on a suicide mission up this thing, as I think she eats 10 inch nails for breakfast. One bend over that can seriously go begging…
Awesome white thong, awesome
And she is beauty
Cute woman
Awesome view and such good summer days
And that’s prettier bae
Oh God, it’s the return of the ultimate anal moonbeam and rainbow pain in the arse, queer/queen, who wants to spout total fucking horseshit about people she doesn’t know who are supposedly wonderful but are actually right fucking whores. Well, I have a rectal zygmoidascope now and you are quite welcome to use it to give yourself some real insight into your life, not to mention some well deserved cheap thrills. Once you’ve done that, then perhaps you’ll understand today that fucking off and dying will benefit us all.
Spankmaster has spoken…
1) What you talking about?
2) Do you realize what you have addressed it doesn’t make any sense at all, you’re not into Andea shoes and she was polite while you’re still a hater seeking for attention Spunk Master
3) What’s your problem with that woman Andea? Are you a supporter of misoginism ?
4) Someday you will realize it was a waste of time and energy to blame women
e.g. you just like to act funny but it doesn’t work OBVIOUSLY you don’t know anything about Natalie besides this blog’s dirty meaningless comments of other insecure trolls.
5) I can confirm that if you believe all the gossip news that’s another way fooling your mind.
6) She’s a normal person actually humble person too
7) Everything statement I wrote it’s based on real knowledge being blessed since I know a couple of make up women worked for her so I can confirm doubtless she’s not only a beautiful natural woman but also she’s more humble and sweet than you would imagine.
8)Better go see a psychiatrist
9) I’m sorry if you have unhappy experiences towards other women but that’s not a reason to blame this girl, every woman’s different Word you’ll understand this .
10) What a crap blog without a bit of decency towards women will not be active longer, bet this !
Dare you a bit of serenity maybe someday you’ll be able to understand the beauty of women and what means love. God be with you through my prayers. Goodbye.
Spank Master * didn’t intent to write wrong your alias name, anyway what was supposed to be said was said…
PS – you’re not bloody July Caesar, are you?
Amanda, I will now answer your questions to prove something about what I originally said, so please listen as I have very good reasons for saying what I did, especially in now confirming you are just as fucked in the head as Andea. So here goes…
1) I regrettably had to be so blunt because this person comes onto this website and wants to act as anyone’s moral compass whether we want it or not. I am being very pre-emptive in proving that I certainly don’t want it, which also explains 2).
3) No, I’m not a misogynist, I’m a realistic humourist, which obviously is a lot worse, especially as you have no sense of humour. This website is all about humour, troll mentality or otherwise, which glorifies in saying things that otherwise would be condemned purely by the moral majority who want to fuck everyone over with their extremely sanctimonious puritan ways. And yes, this also answers 4).
5) All the gossip on this website is quite worthy of taking the piss out of, including the horseshit you spout, which I’m sure from a point of reality proves that my seriousness for my message is just as high as my humour.
6) Your interpretations of humble and normal are just as lacking as they are pointless, especially as anyone who wants to make themselves out to be a laughing stock in public deserves derision.
7) Just about anyone who achieves fame and fortune invariably loses whatever
humbleness and sweetness they ever had, so this is a great way of bringing them back to reality.
8) I have had counselling and they told me to do this, so here you are.
9) The only bad experiences I’ve ever had with women are speaking with women like you who have no sense of humour.
10) I dare say this website will be active for years to come, especially as people like me will want to share their well-founded statements and humour just as much as I do.
Having said all that, please don’t put upon me your religious doctrines of some totally mythical figure that has never been proven to exist, not even with that over publicised press kit called the bible, especially to me being a devout atheist as a direct result of people like you.
Finally, I think you would also benefit from several feet of my rectal zygmoidascope; I assure you that it will give you an understanding on life that you have certainly been missing. along with a deeper appreciation of sunny days that will seem a hell of a lot brighter…
You make 10 excellent points, Amanda. And beautifully written if I may say. Good for you – your evening classes in English are certainly paying off – bet this!
Spanky’s an idiot – going on all the time about his rectal probe and such like. In future, I’m going to ignore him and listen to your wise words instead.
Oh no, hang on. I’m confused again (bit like you were with Andea or whoever). I actually hate Natalie and like Spanky. So you can fuck right off.
And acting like a dick to a woman do you think it’s gonna make you a better man? You’re so naive child, under 30 years for sure with a less life’s experience, but who am I to blame you and your friend Spanky? Both hang out sharing the same misoginism…
But tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc its from your time in absence of positive activities.
Saved yourself at the bell there Spanky. I thought all those reasons and no mention of the rectal zygmoidascope. But as a closing argument a sure fire winner.
Hey Spanky, she called you ‘Spunk Master’, she knows you better than I thought !! I like it Spunk-Master
Save the alphabet thingy and just shove a cricket bat up the fanboi’s arse.
To be honest …. they aren’t n the situation of learn from you guys while Shazbot linguistic abilities need little improvements.
Amanda’s and Ricky could open actually a school, no joke !!!
They proven actually remarkable and really impressive writing skills though this blog’s community it’s not the right place for bright minds and sadly for such wrong behave comedians as you folks…
Bleah…. what a blog to waste the time on its
Hahaha, told them John
Excellent comments Johnny. I agree with everything you’ve tried to say in English (if somewhat unsuccessfully). More power to you, brother.
Shazbot and Spanky are both idiots and I’m a bit sick of them both between you and I – please don’t tell them.
I like you though. Send me your address and maybe we could have a night out sometime and discuss the ins and outs of the morality of nude “celebrity” blogs over a pint. Let me know. You sound like a right laugh so I reckon it’d be a cracking night.
All the best, Jeremy Fucking Clarkson
My linguistic abilities. That’s rich. Learn punctuation first, then we’ll work on spelling & grammar.
Hey Spanky, this broad is questioning the value of your rectal zygmoidascope. She is clearly an insane moonbeam. Oh my God, there are two of them with near identical names. I’m confused. And to think you may have lost your rectal zygmoidascope up that massive arse.
Well I quite like this one – she’s sweet, softly-spoken, not too opnionated, not argumentative, sort of girl you could take out and be proud of.
Oh no, hang on, I’ve mixed her up with someone else. I actually hate her.
Thank you, Jeremy. I knew we are on the same page. Give my love to your wife…unless, of course, you don’t mind me doing it later…
Of course not, bud. And don’t take Amanda, I mean July’s, words to heart. People can be so rude when they’re on the internet, can’t they? God be with you, my friend. Amen.
I appreciate your kindness, Jeremy, but just so as you know, I am a devout atheist, so the best you will get out of me as religious convictions is joining either the Church of Elvis or the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Pastafarianism, in fact, holds a lot of water, religious wise, which means more work with my magic wand in doing some much needed plumbing…
1) The reason Amanda left that comment proven a brighter mind above the insubstantial meaning and absence of humor you’ve and Jeremy Proven since the opening of this illegally blog that tried to make some money outta of some stolen photos and now keep tries of fool people without a better occupation like Jeremy which is blinded fooled by SpankMaster’s humoristic statements.
2) If you wanna make such ” Humoristic Remarks ” why don’t you go to a club coffee as a guest being spokesman launching your own humoristic hour called the SpankMaster’s hour at that coffee club, in your city? Excuse me which city you’re from? Obviously for this question there’s not gonna be an answer from you as another proven of insensibility you’ve proven towards Amanda’s opinion which I’m hundred percent agree she’s a smart female by the way she proven it through her arguments and statements considering her just honest through everything she was typing above.
3) Does it makes you feel more macho hurting her feelings? If yeah then there’s something wrong upon to your sense of Humour’s Remarks you’ve proven.
4) In a lack of occupation Jeremy of course gonna agree with your rude replies. Believe me I know what means good jokes by the way, been through so many clubs in my childhood years decades ago.
5)At some point in life you might realize that such jokes you’re making doesn’t impress or move every person, some of them being themselves offensive so.
6) Take your time to respect other people’s vision about life.
7) Respect other people’s beliefs she didn’t say nothing wrong about your atheism ways so as long as she showed that respectful due to your beliefs you might as well respect her.
8) Every religion has different ways to expose their culture, personally I respect every religion the same way Amanda proven this through her honest reply.
9) That’s not about Bible itself and I’m gonna say this first and least time to you hopefully you’re gonna open your heart and mind to realize this: That’s not about Bible to realize that Jesus as God is love and his existence is definitely proven by many miracles, situations people’s faced in their life. It’s not about Churches and if there was the case a Church itself dissapointed you that’s not a reason to lose the faith, soon or later you are gonna realize Atheism it’s only in words a human’s wrong material way to brainwash your mind. The only one who cares about your unconditionally is Dear God laying his Hands to you because we’re all brothers and sisters it God’s Eyes even if we’re acting wrong sometimes, holding the faith it’s the key to God and God love us no matter the race, color, religions.
And one more thing dear Spank,
10) 10) Due to the first stolen photos of some public figures the owners of this domain decided to continue illegally make some fast money without the license and rights for any other photos you see daily. Think about it if you were in some of these women shoes would you like someone to make it public the photos of yours alongside your friends, vacation, events you where? So that’s my own perspective whether you wanna accept it or not but you have to respect it as long as I’ve been decent enough to write you this. And believe it or not I have nothing against you besides some rude remarks you made on the contrary, one last thing truly dare from my heart to you to have a good day, cya
You’re missing out, Spanky. Just one look at the wonderful insights from July Caesar and Amanda prove how enlightening religion can be. Very good for the soul undoubtedly.
And before you say it, believing is sky fairies is NOT a mental illness. All the finest people are theists… July, Amanda, Hitler, Le Blanc etc. Bet this!
Hey Spanky , group hug. That is one low flying space cadet your chatting to. Make sure your rectal zygmoidascope is safe !
Not more low fly space cadet than yours, oh don’t you know know that Spanky sometimes types with Jeremy name also =)
Amen Rocco
Unlucky Rocco – incorrect. You’ve picked the wrong team – and just as I was starting to like you!
1) The reason Amanda left that comment proven a brighter mind above the insubstantial meaning and absence of humor you’ve and Jeremy Proven since the opening of this illegally blog that tried to make some money outta of some stolen photos and now keep tries of fool people without a better occupation like Jeremy which is blinded fooled by SpankMaster’s humoristic statements.
2) If you wanna make such ” Humoristic Remarks ” why don’t you go to a club coffee as a guest being spokesman launching your own humoristic hour called the SpankMaster’s hour at that coffee club, in your city? Excuse me which city you’re from? Obviously for this question there’s not gonna be an answer from you as another proven of insensibility you’ve proven towards Amanda’s opinion which I’m hundred percent agree she’s a smart female by the way she proven it through her arguments and statements considering her just honest through everything she was typing above.
3) Does it makes you feel more macho hurting her feelings? If yeah then there’s something wrong upon to your sense of Humour’s Remarks you’ve proven.
4) In a lack of occupation Jeremy of course gonna agree with your rude replies. Believe me I know what means good jokes by the way, been through so many clubs in my childhood years decades ago.
5)At some point in life you might realize that such jokes you’re making doesn’t impress or move every person, some of them being themselves offensive so.
6) Take your time to respect other people’s vision about life.
7) Respect other people’s beliefs she didn’t say nothing wrong about your atheism ways so as long as she showed that respectful due to your beliefs you might as well respect her.
8) Every religion has different ways to expose their culture, personally I respect every religion the same way Amanda proven this through her honest reply.
9) That’s not about Bible itself and I’m gonna say this first and least time to you hopefully you’re gonna open your heart and mind to realize this: That’s not about Bible to realize that Jesus as God is love and his existence is definitely proven by many miracles, situations people’s faced in their life. It’s not about Churches and if there was the case a Church itself dissapointed you that’s not a reason to lose the faith, soon or later you are gonna realize Atheism it’s only in words a human’s wrong material way to brainwash your mind. The only one who cares about your unconditionally is Dear God laying his Hands to you because we’re all brothers and sisters it God’s Eyes even if we’re acting wrong sometimes, holding the faith it’s the key to God and God love us no matter the race, color, religions.
And one more thing dear Spank,
10) 10) Due to the first stolen photos of some public figures the owners of this domain decided to continue illegally make some fast money without the license and rights for any other photos you see daily. Think about it if you were in some of these women shoes would you like someone to make it public the photos of yours alongside your friends, vacation, events you where? So that’s my own perspective whether you wanna accept it or not but you have to respect it as long as I’ve been decent enough to write you this. And believe it or not I have nothing against you besides some rude remarks you made on the contrary, one last thing truly dare from my heart to you to have a good day, cya
Well said Ricky. And all the better for saying it twice. I agree with all your comments. (Bet that took you a while to type… tic toc etc).
Of course, well as along as you understand this have fun at your daily occupation on this 10th Comedian Blog alongside your friend Spank
Told them nephew ! That’s right
” All the finest people are theists… July, Amanda, Hitler, Le Blanc etc. Bet this! ”
The unsubstantial comedian sarcasm at its finest by Jeremy Oxford Clarkson
So just what I’ve explained above that Atheism it’s only a human’s way to brainwash Jeremy, Spanky brains and their supporters of this ” Comedian’s Community called TheFappe Childish blog ;)
I agree with Steve. He makes an excellent point.
Hey JC. I can se that ‘Ricky’ certainly has a succinct way of putting things. IS this our old buddy July Caesar. It appears that Spanky, or ‘Spunk-Master’ as our friend calls him, knew what was coming.
Watch out guys, low flying space cadet heading our way. Spanky, hide the rectal zygmoidascope.
Hey James – it certainly could be July Caesar. As Amanda would say, “bet this”.
Spunky knows the score – he’s seen right through this bullshit.
Keep drilling the holes, James… I’m awaiting salvation myself, but it doesn’t seem to be forthcoming from our evangelistic friends. I’ll wait it out though… it’ll surely be worth it!
And this is exactly the point that I am making; you people -Amanda and Ricky -want to be so sophisticated with your comments in being our moral compass that you are totally fucked up by the humorous points we are making. We are happy to be the way we are, so please don’t lay any of your sanctimonious horseshit on us, especially that laying on hands bullshit that is all psychosomatic any way. You want to believe in these mythical beings and fairies and such then fine; don’t guilt me into believing this anal moonbeam and rainbow horseshit as you will waste your time. Atheism is a preference, there is nothing wrong with being one and I do believe I have a much stronger sense of spirituality in being fully in tune with my thoughts without the holier than thou attitude that you seem so severe in shoving down my throat. Please take my offer in using my rectal zygmoidascope for however many feet you need and then hopefully you will wake up to reality…
Hey Spanky, there is only one argument you need make buddy – ‘unhinged’ (saves on the typing), well that and your rectal zygmoidascope. Respect the ‘Spunk-master’ !!
Spunky, just to pick up on one part of your post… I’m certainly not happy to be me.
Amanda / Ricky / Johnny – please help me. I need you. Give me enlightenment. I’m ready and waiting to change my ways and become a good person, just like you.
Hey JC, good advice, I’m just drilling a couple of ‘extra’ holes in my head to let the ‘Amanda / Ricky / Johnny’ knowledge in. It can’t enter by the conventional routes.
Power to the ‘Spunk-Master’ and his rectal zygmoidascope.
PS Spanky, I’m really not sure we will be able to un-wedge the rectal zygmoidascope from this girls massive arse !
If you don’t have other better occupation than hang our with your virtual friends to insult women than besides gossip you don’t know almost anything about them, alright it’s up on you if that’s the way you like wasting the time.
Fucking ugly and if you think she is sexy you have no standards!
Don’t argue when somebody was typing faster like that’s the biggest worlds mistake, especially on such a cheap blog. For a misspelled word you have the argue to throw Shazboy? Calm down I’m writing much better than you’re gonna be a teacher. Btw I’ve been a teacher for decades, so get some education Shabot and learn to be humble stop throw at others. Get it? Now go and make your homeworks :)
Yeah Shazbot, stop throw at others! Johnny’s been a teacher for decades (although he doesn’t make clear what he’s been teaching – possibly PE?)
Anyway, Johnny, let’s all be friends and play nice. I can’t handle the stress of all these cross words. This site was much better when we focused on insulting the whores who insist on releasing these photos of their horrendous bodies onto the internet.
Let’s get back to what makes this site great – writing shit about slags!
If you don’t have other better occupation than hang our with your virtual friends to insult women than besides gossip you don’t know almost anything about them, alright it’s up on you if that’s the way you like wasting the time… :)
Thanks Johnny. I knew you’d understand, and I value your supportive words.
I now consider you to be a close friend of mine, and honestly, I need all the friends I can get.
Hopefully see you at our next orgy. Mrs C has read your posts and thinks you sound like a lovely young man, so you can go first on her. Don’t hold back, my friend – do her hard and she’ll invite you back for the Clarkson Christmas party. One party not to miss!
Send me your email address and I’ll send you directions to our house. See you soon.
Thanks, even though I’ve sounded maybe as a young man I wish I could be again at least one more time green and teen literally as a tree. Cya soon at this Christmas Party and have a good day Jeremy ! :)
Falls in pool. Iron chin sinks to the bottom. Boom. Dead
And given what certain people have been saying about me (Amanda, Ricky, Andea and all those other sanctimonious fuckwits), I thought I am supposedly misogynistic, but you Brutus have taken the cake, fucked it and then eaten it. Be nice to the ladies, show them your ferret or weasel and then give them a party trick that will keep them begging for more. You know it makes sense…
As a sign of peace and our friendship acceptance I hope that Spank’s gonna be invited also this year at the one and only Christmas Party we’ve talked about !
Amanda and Ricky will be there with me hopefully it’s not gonna bother you more guests and also I’ll bring cookies and drinks, cya at the Christmas Party !