23 thoughts on “Natalie Ganzhorn Sexy (11 Photos)

  1. killian James

    Itโ€™s very simple. Big burly black men refuse my advances as usual. I then come here and spew racist shit to get out my frustrations because my thirst for big black cock is insatiable. Any questions?

  2. BF Skinner

    Is she mentally challenged? I ask due to the offset and close proximity of her eyes and asymmetrical facial features. Nice that she’s learned to function independently I guess.

  3. Idiot parade

    That’s her actual face? It looks like a bad photoshop job. Like someone erased her real face and then pasted in a new mismatched one that’s offset and too small.

  4. Frye

    What in the actual fuck is wrong with this bitch? If her eyes were any closer she’d be a cyclops. I’m willing to bet she’s originally from Alabama.

  5. Tom Jones (educating thristy simps about toxic-female nature)

    Ugh, she’s got a face like a Halloween Jack-o’-lantern. She’ll be another ugly-old cow, like Martha Plimpton.

  6. Az

    You commenters are freaks. Thank god I can’t see your faces. Bunch of assholes. Keep trolling but just remember pot, kettle, black, easy to pass judgement on a girl who is still out of your league. If she wasn’t then you wouldn’t be on this site let alone on this page.

    Besides you all sound like queers.

    1. Fudgepecker

      Cool story, white knight, but that is an OBJECTIVELY fugly face.

      Objectively fugly to the point where an AI face recognition algorithm mass scanning photos would stop and exclaim โ€holy fuck, what happened here? I need manual human support, unsure if subject is homo sapiensโ€.


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